[ -zombie- @ 17.02.2003. 00:28 ] @
heh. ponekad me stvarno oduseve. (ako preterujem sa prenosenjem ovih spam poruka bez ikakvog razloga, kazite, necu vise, ali mene fasciniraju sta ce sve da izmisle..)


Hello dear friend,

I'm the developer who made the software for the NetGaming Casino.
But since they still did not paid me for last six month of work I decided
to reveal the backdoor in that casino I made for myself.
This backdoor allow easily win the roulette.
So: What do you need to win? Read below:
1. Go to the following secret link:
> Special backdoor link <
2. Open an account (click "Join Now").
3. Play roulette until "13" turn out. That's it! The next turn will be "27"!

I'll be happy if you ruin them by winning lots of money.

naravno, linke je klasican ?affiliate_id=12345 link, i cak se nisu ni potrudili da to sakriju.. ali je sam text dovoljno inventivan...