[ ^:^ @ 02.11.2006. 08:55 ] @
Upisao sam fakultet po Bolonjii i treba da uradim seminarski iz Engleskog.E sad tu je problem sto profesori nemaju pojma sta i kako da se uradi .Ja sam dosao do nekog texta i na osnovu njega treba da odradim nesto drugo : Mini-project:Plan your own cybercafe! Imagine you want to open an Internet cafe in town . In pairs, look at the HELP box and make a project about a cafe. HELP box. Consider the following: -the money you need to set up and run your cybercafe -the kind of visitors you would like to have -the location(try to find a place accessible to people who are likely to use a cybercafe) -the services you want to offer(food,drinks,coffees,etc.) -the type of furniture -the things that can help you create a relaxing atmosphere (music,decoration,lighting,private areas,chess and card games,etc.) -whether you want to have second-hand books,classic literature or magazines about computers and the Internet. Make decisions about: -the type of Internet connection:via a modem(carrying data at 56 kbbs), an ISDN line (at 128 kbbs), aT-1 line(at 1.544 kbbs) or a high-speed T-3 connection( at 44.736 kbbs) -hardware equipment (Macs and PCs,printer,fax,etc.) -software(web browser,e-mail,online chatting,games on CD-ROMs,etc) -howmuch you will charge customers for your services -introductory and advanced classes for users. Now choose a name and a slogan for your cybercafe. Ako neko zna linkic neki ili ima iskustva neka me malo uputi ......hvala |