[ ealing @ 11.12.2006. 16:20 ] @
Imam iPAQ Compac 3870,trazio sam nesto po navigaciji i odjednom je zakocio,zadnja slika je ostala na ekranu i sada ne mogu nikako da ga pomerim,cak ne mogu ni da ga ugasim.Sta da radim?
[ nmilosev @ 11.12.2006. 19:23 ] @
Probaj da uradiš soft reset mislim da 3870 ima soft reset dugme ili hard reset
To whom it may concern, I was finally able to reset my iPAQ but I would like to add something to the technique that Robert mentioned. You need to press two specific aplication buttons to perform the hard reset, the calendar and arrow buttons, otherwise it will just be a regular soft reset. Just want to make sure that this detail does not escape anyone who tries this in the future. And also, thank you everyone for your help.
izvor : http://www.devhood.com/message...ge_view-2.aspx?thread_id=66707

Pozdrav. Ako ne rešiš piši!
[ ealing @ 11.12.2006. 22:08 ] @
Kada sam izvadio karticu onda se ugasio,sada je sve ok,ali imam problem sto ne mogu da upalim bluetouth.
[ proNick @ 17.12.2006. 14:06 ] @
Probaj da ga flash-ujes (ROM mozes naci na HP-ovom sajtu), samo pre svega napravi backup podataka.
[ CPU CLOCK @ 03.01.2007. 18:10 ] @
Joj bre jeste zapeli za taj flash, jer sve mora da se flashuje.Uzmi lepo odradi reset, prvo soft(imas taster), a ako to ne uspe hard(imas u uputstvu kako se radi)