[ hulja @ 22.12.2006. 17:41 ] @
apcmag.com's David Flynn reports:

One year on from the introduction of Intel's made-for-mobile Core Duo 'Yonah' processor in its MacBook Pro line, Apple looks set to integrate another member of the Centrino technology family into its next-gen notebooks.

This time around it's Robson, Intel's codename for an on-board module which uses NAND flash memory as a 'smart storage' buffer between system RAM and the hard drive.

The flash chip is used to store system boot files as well as the most often-used data files, which can be written and retrieved at several magnitudes faster than any mechanical hard disk - especially when the drive itself has to spin up to speed before disk access can take place.

For the full report visit here:
[ Toni @ 23.12.2006. 07:57 ] @
to je slicno kao oni PuRAM diskovi koji su bili mnogo skupi i mogli su da se uzmu za one grandcanyon laptopove... oni su veli bili ustvari flash memorija ali u obliku hardiska... sve se izvrsavalo sumanuto brzo ali je bilo mnogo skupo... ovde je fora sto ce biti izgleda mnogo prihvatljivija cena.
