[ grunn @ 01.02.2007. 15:32 ] @
Registrovao sam se za godaddy resellera i sada zahtjevaju od mene da popunim W-8BEN formular...nasao sam instrukcije i popunio taj formular, medjutim suzdrzavam se da ga posaljem, jer kako sam shvatio FOREIGN SOURCED INCOME IS NOT SUBJECT TO WITHOLDING sto znaci da ne trebam placati porez u slucaju da su mi musterije van USA, a takodjer i serveri itd itd.....

Znaci ako vec moram poslati W-8BEN formu, da li moram nesto posebno naznaciti tako da ne placam taj porez?
[ grunn @ 01.02.2007. 17:04 ] @
Legedarni support, na ovo pitanje odgovara:

Dear Sir,

Thank you for contacting reseller support. In order for us to do business internationally, our government's IRS requires us to have the forms on file. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Best Regards,

Nick White
Reseller Support
[ grunn @ 02.02.2007. 00:02 ] @
Dear Sir,

Thank you for contacting reseller support. We cannot provide you with the tax information you have requested as we are not qualified to answer. You will need to contact a local tax professional that is familiar with international tax law in order to find out what your tax liablities would be.

Best Regards,

Nick White
Reseller Support
[ inzenjer2005 @ 14.02.2007. 18:57 ] @
Objasnio sam sta treba uneti u W-8BEN formular u ovoj temi http://www.elitesecurity.org/t237693-Commission-Junction Ako popunis kao sto sam naveo ne moras placati nikakav porez. ;-)