[ zmay @ 16.02.2007. 13:09 ] @
Da li postoji mogucnost da se smanji broj obrtaja na ventilatoru na grafickoj pod linuxom??
Imam 7300gt ddr3 i Suse 10.2i nakon instalacije nvidia drivera ventilator radi na max rpm.
Pre nvidia splash screen-a ventilator radi na oko 20% obrtaja i ne cuje se.
Da li postoji nesto kao RivaTuner pod win-om za regulaciju ili nekako da se iskljuci thermal menagment u driverima?
[ niceness @ 17.02.2007. 01:19 ] @
NVClock bi trebao to moci uraditi. Probaj pa javi kako je proslo.
[ zmay @ 17.02.2007. 13:25 ] @
Probao NVclock i izbacuje mi sledece:

Xlib: extension "NV-CONTROL" missing on display ":0.0".
It seems your card isn't officialy supported in NVClock yet.
The reason can be that your card is too new.
If you want to try it anyhow [DANGEROUS], use the option -f to force the setting(s).
NVClock will then assume your card is a 'normal', it might be dangerous on other cards.
Also please email the author the pci_id of the card for further investigation.
[Get that value using the -i option].

Ne radi ni sa force opcijom:

Error: Your card doesn't support fanspeed adjustments!

tako da mi ne preostaje nista drugo nego da cekam.

[ mulaz @ 17.02.2007. 14:24 ] @
jel imas instalirane i najnovije nvidia drivere?
[ zmay @ 17.02.2007. 15:15 ] @
Imam NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-97.46