[ Dragi Tata @ 24.06.2003. 01:02 ] @
Evo linka na rezultate regress-testa kompatibilnosti raznih kompajlera sa Boost bibliotekom.


Ovo valjda znači da ću moći da koristim lambda biblioteku čim pređem na VC 7.1. Downloadujem ga iz momenta...
[ leka @ 24.06.2003. 11:47 ] @
Pod kojom licencom je BOOST beše?
[ Dragi Tata @ 24.06.2003. 18:24 ] @
Razne Boost biblioteke su pod raznim licencama, ali moraju da ispunjavaju sledeće:

License requirements
Must be simple to read and understand.
Must grant permission without fee to copy, use and modify the software for any use (commercial and non-commercial).
Must require that the license appear on all copies of the software source code.
Must not require that the license appear with executables or other binary uses of the library.
Must not require that the source code be available for execution or other binary uses of the library.
May restrict the use of the name and description of the library to the standard version found on the Boost web site.

Dakle, GPL ne dolazi u obzir :)
[ leka @ 25.06.2003. 18:32 ] @
Dolazi u obzir, ali u jednom drugom akronimu - LGPL.
[ Dragi Tata @ 25.06.2003. 18:55 ] @
LGPL ne ispunjava najmanje 2 odredbe:

Must be simple to read and understand.

Must grant permission without fee to copy, use and modify the software for any use (commercial and non-commercial).

Uostalom ni jedna Boost biblioteka nije pod LGPL-om. Većina su public domain.