[ Pirossi @ 21.05.2007. 19:06 ] @
prvo ide prevod: Citat: Proslog je tjedna u juznoj Africi bila pretucena i silovana trogodisnja djevojcica. Jos uvijek je ziva. Muskarac koji je za to odgovoran jucer je pusten iz pritvora uz jamcevinu i danas slobodno sece ulicama. Ako ste prezaposleni da sve ovo citate, onda se barem samo potpisite i proslijedite ovo dalje.Vlada namjerava ukinuti Ured za zastitu djece, a ovo je peticija koja se tome zeli suprotstaviti. Ona je vrlo vazna. To je tijelo izuzetno vazno u pravnoj zastiti djece. Mozda ste dosad vec culi za juznoafricki mit prema kojem spolni odnos s djevicom lijeci AIDS. Sto je djevica mladja, sanse za izljecenje su vece. To je dovelo do situacije u kojoj zarazeni muskarci masovno siluju neduznu djecu. Mnoga su umrla u tim okrutnim silovanjima. Nedavno su u Cape Townu, sestorica muskaraca silovala devetomjesecnu bebu. Molim Vas da o tome malo razmislite. Zlostavljanje djece poprima katastrofalne razmjere i ako mi nesto ne poduzmemo po tom pitanju, tko ce? Potpisite se na dnu popisa i proslijedite ga sto vecem broju ljudi. Ako ste Vi kojim slucajem 120. potpisnik peticije, molimo Vas da proslijedite popisna ovu adresu [email protected] Molimo Vas, nemojte biti ravnodusni i ucinite nesto za juznoafricku djecu. I ti mozes utjecati na promjenu. Djevojcica se jos uvijek bori za zivot, a onaje samo jedna od milijun zrtava, stoga podrzite ovu peticiju i pomognite da se Ured za zastitu djece ne ugasi. Potpisite peticiju i proslijedite je na sto je vise adresa moguce. Ne zanemarujte je i ucinite razliku. Nakon sto se potpisete, proslijedite je dalje, a ukoliko ste 120. potpisnik posaljite popis na ovu adresu [email protected] posle original Citat: Last week, a 3-year-old girl in South Africa was beaten and raped. She is still alive. The man responsible was released on bail yesterday. He is walking the streets. If you are too busy to read this, then just sign your name and forward this on. The Government is planning to close the child protection unit and this is a petition against it. This is a very important petition. It is an essential part of the justice system for children. You may have already heard that there's a myth in South Africa that having sex with a virgin will cure AIDS. The younger the virgin, the more potent the cure. This has led to an epidemic of rapes by infected males, with the correspondent infection of innocent kids. Many have died in these cruel rapes. Recently in Cape Town a 9- month-old baby was raped by 6 men. Please think about that for a moment. The child abuse situation is now reaching catastrophic proportions and if we don't do something, then who will? Kindly add your name to the bottom of the list and please pass this on to as many people as you know. If you are signature no. 120 - please forward the mail-list to [email protected] Please don't be complacent, do something about the kids of South Africa. You can make a difference. That child is fighting for life. This is just one of The million cases of child abuse, so please pledge your support and help keep CPU (CHILD PROTECTION UNIT)open. Please give your support to the petition and ensure that it goes to as many people as possible.Please don't just leave it, make a difference. In order to write your name copy this message and paste it in a new mail (compose). Or click on forward and add your name to the list and send it on to others.Again, if you are number 120, please send this to [email protected] a na kraju lista nesrećnika koji su se upacala na ovu srceparajuću priču. |