[ ernesto @ 24.05.2007. 13:07 ] @
Na koji nacin da uradim hard reset na IPAQ h6340 i ASUS My Pal 730?
[ nmilosev @ 24.05.2007. 17:44 ] @
Perform a hard reset (also known as a full reset) when you want to clear all settings, programs, and data from RAM.

CAUTION: If you perform a hard reset, your Pocket PC returns to its default settings and loses all information that is not recorded in iPAQ File Storage.

To perform a hard reset:

• Press and hold down the Power button.

• While holding the Power button, use the stylus to lightly press the Reset button on the left side of the Pocket PC for about three seconds.

• When the Pocket PC screen begins to fade, release the Power button and remove the stylus from the Reset button.


• Resets can be initiated by pushing in the circular recessed hole with your stylus. To do a hard-reset, you push with the stylus while holding down the power button.

U svakom slučaju, pritisneš i držiš reset, i pritisneš POWER dugme (ako nekog zanima isto je na Dell Axim, samo što se brvo pritisne i drži power dugme pa pritisne reset!)

[ ernesto @ 25.05.2007. 08:28 ] @
Hvala, resio si mi probleme.

[ Junuz @ 31.10.2007. 16:44 ] @
Hvala puno,gazda :)!