[ Divjak @ 08.08.2003. 03:20 ] @
Kako da dodam neki string u file?
Opcija tipa otvaranje fajla, dodavanje stringa u Delphiju pa snimanje u file mi ne odgovara jer previse spora...

Unapred hvala!
[ Nub.Saibot @ 08.08.2003. 08:43 ] @
Pošto nisi dao više detalja, ostaje mi da predložim sledeće,
puni string listu pa na kraju pozovi njenu metodu SaveToFile.

[ -zombie- @ 08.08.2003. 13:16 ] @
probaj Append() proceduru:

Prepares an existing file for adding text to the end.

Unit: System
Category: IO routines
Delphi syntax:

procedure Append(var F: Text);


Call Append to ensure that a file is opened with write-only access with the file pointer positioned at the end of the file. F is a text file variable and must be associated with an external file using AssignFile. If no external file of the given name exists, an error occurs. If F is already open, it is closed, then reopened. The current file position is set to the end of the file.

If a Ctrl+Z (ASCII 26) is present in the last 128-byte block of the file, the current file position is set so that the next character added to the file overwrites the first Ctrl+Z in the block. In this way, text can be appended to a file that terminates with a Ctrl+Z.

If F was not assigned a name, then, after the call to Append, F refers to the standard output file.


  f: TextFile;
  if OpenDialog1.Execute then
  begin                    { open a text file }
    AssignFile(f, OpenDialog1.FileName);
    Writeln(f, 'I am appending some stuff to the end of the file.'); 
    { insert code here that would require a Flush before closing the file }
    Flush(f);  { ensures that the text was actually written to file }

[ Koljenovic @ 10.08.2003. 01:01 ] @
Pa ja nisam ni sanjao da je "Delphi" kod ovoliko slican "Pascal" kodu...
[ goblin @ 31.08.2003. 20:54 ] @
Ja bih preporučio TFileStream i dodavanje bafera bajtova koji se dobijaju konverzijom nekog stringa. Koristite objekte u Delphi-ju... probajte da ostavite Turbo Pascal code za vama... mada je ovde očito da je malopre izložen code verovatno najlakši način da se reši problem naviknite se što pre na tokove (TStream i njegove potomke... MNOGO su značajni u Delphi-ju).

[ Rapaic Rajko @ 01.09.2003. 15:35 ] @
Pa ja nisam ni sanjao da je "Delphi" kod ovoliko slican "Pascal" kodu...

Heh...za informaciju svima ovde: verzija kompajlera Delphi 6-ice je 13.0 ili 14.0 (kako gde). Pogodite sta su bile verzije 1.0, 2.0, 3.0...?
Pa TurboPascal, razume se.


P.S. Legenda zivi i dalje...