[ xtraya @ 21.08.2003. 18:09 ] @
dakle ovako:

winxp mashine, hardver ispavan i promenjen po nekoliko puta,
radi browsing i READ! kada treba da se nesto upise sa jedne mashine na ostale
krene da salje i onda se ukoci....

kad se malo saceka ispise write delay failed

updateovao sam rdbss.sys i onaj mrxsmb.sys

A "Delayed Write Failed" Error Message Occurs When You Write a File to a Server

u event vieweru napise da MRXSMB ne moze da sa lanmanagerom preko tcpip upise na disk (to je do mashine koja salje a ne koja prima jer sa ostalih mashina mogu sve normalno da radim)

error ID 50

ajde sta mislite o ovome...SMARA!

upise 64kbajta i stane...zakoci sve...
[ Nub.Saibot @ 22.08.2003. 08:42 ] @
While a client is writing a file to a server across the network, they may receive the following error message:
{Delayed Write Failed}
Windows was unable to save all the data for the file x.
The data has been lost.
This error may be caused by a failure of your computer hardware or network connection. Please try to save this file elsewhere.
To determine whether the client is experiencing the problem that is described in this article, check the event log. The event log must contain event ID 50 with a source of MrxSMB. The event contains the same text as the error message, but also contains the error status in the data section. Double-click the event, and then click Words for the data type; the last word contains the status. If the status code is c0000022 (which translates to STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED), apply the hotfix that is described in this article.

This problem occurs because the client redirector does not calculate the SMB signature properly.

Note Apply the patch to the computer that is receiving the Delayed Write error message, the client computer.

Imao sam isti problem, njegovo objasnjenje, a i hotfix imas na

[ xtraya @ 22.08.2003. 11:16 ] @
ne ne, nije to sto kaze microsoft...nije taj kod greske.

a prepravljao sam registry i opet nista, nasao najnoviju verziju mrxsmb.sys i rdbss.sys i opet nista.....

neka druga ideja?
[ B o j a n @ 22.08.2003. 16:23 ] @
error ID 50

ajde sta mislite o ovome...SMARA!

upise 64kbajta i stane...zakoci sve...

Hmm, error ID .... obozavam ovo l;)

xtraya, a da ti pozoves support?
[ xtraya @ 23.08.2003. 13:08 ] @
ma vidi.... na sajtu ima objasnjenje koje nije tacno, osim toga ima da se pokrene neki patch ali ti ga ne daju vec moras da zoves support pa onda ti ga posalju.

medjutim nasao sam taj fajl (patch) i naravno opet isto!
[ B o j a n @ 25.08.2003. 13:38 ] @
Pa pozovi ih ponovo, verujem da microsoft CS ima vrlo uljudan i prijatan tech. phone support.