[ drdrksa @ 16.08.2007. 23:19 ] @
Prvi put od kada ga koristim da je pukao ... Jedva i na sajt ulazi.

Evo zvanicno :

UPDATED 16 August, 2007 14:02 GMT: Some of you may be having problems logging in to Skype. Our engineering team has determined that it’s a software issue. We expect this to be resolved within 12 to 24 hours. Meanwhile, you can simply leave your Skype client running and as soon as the issue is resolved, you will be logged in. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Additionally, downloads of Skype have been temporarily disabled. We will make downloads available again as quickly as possible.
[ bakara @ 17.08.2007. 08:23 ] @
Meni je sad proradio...
[ micky @ 17.08.2007. 09:11 ] @
Ni meni ne radi od juce pre podne :(
[ waikiki @ 17.08.2007. 09:43 ] @
bakara: Meni je sad proradio...

Jesi li siguran.
Meni je nekako uspelo da se logujem, ali ikonica online status se jos uvek vrti, tako da i dalje ne radi...
[ petarta @ 17.08.2007. 15:53 ] @
I dalje problem sa ONLINE statusom za Skayp. A i kada se poveze vrlo brzo pukne. Primetio sam da je jedva oko 2.000.000 korisnika online dok je pre par dana se ta cifra kretala od 5 - 8.000.000
[ Zeleni zub @ 17.08.2007. 16:14 ] @
Juce sam na poslu reinstalirao sistem i sve proradilo iz cuga osim Skype-a...
sta sve nisam radio da ga osposobim za normalan rad i tek sad vidim ovu temu ;-)
[ jonathan @ 17.08.2007. 19:10 ] @
Probao malopre... kobajagi se konektujem, ali - obratiti pažnju na broj online korisnika :)))

p0z, Alek
[ mmmilan @ 17.08.2007. 19:21 ] @
i kod mene problem. nece da se konektuje , a i kad se konektuje odmah pukne. prvi put da vidim ovo da se desava sa skajpom. interesantno je da iako nece da se konektuje ispise mi koliko imam kredita.
[ bakara @ 18.08.2007. 13:23 ] @
Proradio je skype ali sada ima dosta manje korisnika (oko 3.8 miliona) obicno je ta cifra izmedju 6 i 8 miliona...

Hello again,

We are pleased to announce that the situation continues to improve. The sign-on problems have been resolved. Skype presence and chat may still take a few more hours to be fully operational. We know what our faithful users have been going through and we thank you for your patience and kind support.

If you are one of the minority who may still be experiencing problems, please be patient. You do not need to adjust or restart your computer. Skype will start working for you very soon.

We will issue a further update when we know that Skype is functioning normally, or if there is further material news.

We’ve commandeered extra supplies of pizza and coffee, and we can promise that the Skype people aren’t going anywhere until they’re happy that everything is back to normal.

Please see our Heartbeat blog for any further updates.

UPDATED 18 August, 2007 00:30 GM


Postoji li neka "nezvanicna" verzija sta se to desilo?

[Ovu poruku je menjao bakara dana 18.08.2007. u 14:40 GMT+1]
[ Drmika @ 20.08.2007. 16:17 ] @
i mene je zezao tiha dana , i do danas ga nisam koristio,kao ni danas cim sam nazvao holandiju prekinuo sam vezu jer me prijatelj nista nije mogao chuti, PP. Bilo je strasno, inace bilo je 8M korisnika.
Ja koristim adsl 265/64 i nisam imao ovakvih problema do sad .... Znatel mozda sta da radim
[ momsab @ 20.08.2007. 16:46 ] @
nije Skype jedini koji pruza ovakvu uslugu
ima ih jos, potrazite pod VoIP telefonijom na jakim trazilicama
gizmo je dobar VoIP + moze da se poveze sa xmpp (jabber serveri, Gtalk...) - ovo su mi rekli, mozda nije bas Gizmo ali je nesto na G a nije Gtalk
[ Drmika @ 20.08.2007. 17:13 ] @
meni skype treba samo za out, jer je prilicno jeftin, tu temu sam procitao i sve se zavrsavalo na skypu, A VI mi slobodno preporucite neku drugi VOIP a da radi savrseno na ADSL 265/64 bio bih vam mnogo zavalan...
[ bakara @ 20.08.2007. 21:15 ] @
momsab: nije Skype jedini koji pruza ovakvu uslugu

naravno da nije ali je najveci i sa najvecim brojem korisnika i koliko je meni poznato do sada nikada ovako nije pukao...
[ axx420 @ 22.08.2007. 22:22 ] @
Zvanično obaveštenje:
On Thursday, 16th August 2007, the Skype peer-to-peer network became unstable and suffered a critical disruption. The disruption was triggered by a massive restart of our users’ computers across the globe within a very short timeframe as they re-booted after receiving a routine set of patches through Windows Update.

The high number of restarts affected Skype’s network resources. This caused a flood of log-in requests, which, combined with the lack of peer-to-peer network resources, prompted a chain reaction that had a critical impact.

Normally Skype’s peer-to-peer network has an inbuilt ability to self-heal, however, this event revealed a previously unseen software bug within the network resource allocation algorithm which prevented the self-healing function from working quickly. Regrettably, as a result of this disruption, Skype was unavailable to the majority of its users for approximately two days.


Eto, pogrešili su, bruka jeste ali mislim da će broj korisnika i dalje da raste jer imaju odličan program.
Nadam se da su naučili lekciju da moraju pratiti šta im to Microsoft "kuva" i koliko je to "jestivo".