[ B4lt4z4r @ 10.09.2007. 16:01 ] @
Instalirao sam vmware 6 na Linux i imam problem prilikom pokretenja virtualne masine!!
Izbacuje mi sledecu gresku:

Too many virtual machines are running.
The maximum number of running virtual machines is 24.


Failed to initialize monitor device.

Unable to change virtual machine power state: Cannot find a valid peer process to connect to.


Failed to reply to the dialog: Pipe: Read failed

Jel ima ko ikakvu predstavu sta je ovo??
[ B4lt4z4r @ 10.09.2007. 16:10 ] @
Resio sam problem!!
Ovo je bilo resenje:

/etc/init.d/vmware start
[ B4lt4z4r @ 11.09.2007. 06:00 ] @
E sad me interesuje jedna druga stvar..
Koristim Linux kao host a xp kao guest...Kako da namestim da guest ima internet ??
[ s-s-1 @ 13.09.2007. 20:49 ] @
virtual machine settings,ethernet,Bridged