Danas sam se iscimao da napišem mail autoru BetterZip plugina, da ga pitam šta tačno da obrišem u BZ .plist fajlu, kako mi isti ne bi otvarao i .chm fajlove, jer BZ prikazuje strukturu fajla, ja bih hto da mi CHM otvara u QL-u plugin za CHM, koji je viewer.
Evo njegovog odgovora :)
At the moment you need to do a little "hack" to achieve this. I'll disable chm support in the next version, because there is a better QL generator for this format.
You can disable chm support in the BetterZip QL generator. To do this, right-click the BetterZipQL.qlgenerator bundle that you copied to your /Library/QuickLook folder and select "Show Package Contents" from the context menu. Now open the Contents folder in the new window and open the file Info.plist in a text editor like TextEdit. Find the line 121 (in TextEdit press Command+L and enter 121). You will be taken to a section that reads:
Delete the entire section (8 lines). Be careful not to delete or change anything else. Finally, save the file. That's it.
Uradio sam to i BZ više ne dira .chm, međutim, i posle restarta Findera i dalje ne mogu da vidim .chm fajlove QL-om :) Verovatno će proraditi malo kasnije :)