[ Demoritus @ 13.10.2003. 14:33 ] @
10. Oktobra 2003. godine izašao je mIRC 6.11 !!! Možete ga skinuti sa:

Više informacija o najnovijoj verziji u engleskom izdanju preuzetom sa sajta mirc.com možete pogledati dole:

mIRC 6.11 has been released! (October 10th 2003)
A fresh new version of mIRC! With this new release we hope to address most the comments, requests and remarks we received after the release of version 6.1. Of course this new version fixes lots of the small but nevertheless annoying buggies found in the previous version. Details of all changes are available on the news page. Discussions about the changes and features in this new version are very welcome on the message board. Have fun and download and try mIRC 6.11!
Several commands have been fixed or improved, like the /fwrite, /hdec, /mkdir, /qmsg, /qme, /color, /hload, /hsave and /server not using the specified port. Lots of identifiers have been fixed, among them $duration(N,3), $base(), $os, $comcall(), $dllcall(), $md5() and $mask(). This also fixes a possible /userhost exploit problem.

A channel folders join bug where mIRC wasn't setting focus on a channel window properly was fixed, as well as a a small problem with the red dot in remote toolbar button, bugs with binary variables, duplicate separators in popup menus and a menu handling bug that affected the favorites popup menu as well as various other menus under Windows 95 and NT. Over 40 thingies, all fixed :)

While we tried to focus on fixing things, of course some new features and functions have been added. Among them

the language selection option that has been added to the MS Agent speech dialog. You must of course have the required language component installed. Read more on http://www.mirc.co.uk/agents.html,
the Favorites folder that now allows multiple selection. You can now join multiple channels, or folders with channels!, at a time,
a nifty new feature that has been added to allow you to auto-hide the list with nicknames in a channel. See the nick list options in the System Menu of each channel...
As you see - heaps of changes and improvements. Lots of little and larger changes to smoothen your IRC experience. You'll have to dig through the help file and the whatsnew.txt on the Web to learn about the complete list of changes and their impact. Information on changes in older versions is available in the versions.txt. If you have additional questions, may we invite you to the Message Boards on this website? The boards offer great help with everything related to mIRC!

[ Nikola Denić @ 13.10.2003. 16:04 ] @
Imam ga od skoro,i najvise mi se svidja sto mozes na n servera u isto vreme...a i sto postoji dodatni script prozor za dodavanje opcija....

Prerporucujem ga svima....
[ Dejan Topalovic @ 13.10.2003. 22:41 ] @
Podrska za multiserver postoji vec od prve verzije 6-ice, a ne tek od ove.
Inace, ekspres komanda za spajanje na drugi server dok si trenutno na jednome glasi:
/server -m irc.drugiserver.com
[ Dejan Topalovic @ 13.10.2003. 23:00 ] @
Upravo sam na CERT-u nasao link o tome kako mIRC ima sigurnosni propust ukljucujuci sve 6.* verzije, osim zadnje 6.12 koja je hitno izdana danas (13.10).

Postoji i exploit za ovaj slucaj, pa se mole svi korisnici mIRC-a da instaliraju najnoviju verziju 6.12 .

[ Nikola Denić @ 14.10.2003. 00:32 ] @
To je tacno,ali moze da se izbegne samo ukucavanjem ovo u konzolu ...

/ignore -wd *
[ CONFIQ @ 14.10.2003. 00:34 ] @
da... ali zato ugasiš pola opcija koji mirc ima. Saće još malo Leka da se odazove :Đ

Moraću da se složim sa bilo čim što kaže:Đ

~Say FiQ
[ dr ZiDoo @ 14.10.2003. 09:58 ] @
da... ali zato ugasiš pola opcija koji mirc ima. Saće još malo Leka da se odazove :Đ

Moraću da se složim sa bilo čim što kaže:Đ

~Say FiQ

Klep, klep po ušima, miševi jedni

Evo ja koristim ovaj XChta na Windowsu i radi fantastično, tako da stajem na lekinu stranu. mIRC je odličan ali mu ovo ipak nije trebalo. Meni se taj vražiji DCC nikada nije sviđao.
[ leka @ 14.10.2003. 10:58 ] @
CONFY, cinjenica je da ce narod uvek voleti vise sminku, a manje misliti na ono sto je ispod sminke. To je tako, i tako ce biti - tako da vise nema smisla gubiti vreme na besmislene price...

Ja zaista nemam nista protiv mIRC-a, ali razmisljam ovako. Bogamu, provodim dane pisuci svoju hiper-mega-ultra skriptu koja radi sve sto mi je palo na um u zadnjih par godina ircanja. Juce sam imao intervju sa potencijalnim poslodavcem - trebalo je da se zaposlim kao programer u jednoj softverskoj kuci i covek me pitao da li znam Perl ili Python. - Nisam ni smeo od blama da mu kazem da "razbijam mIRC skript jezik", jer sam siguran da bi razgovoru odmah dosao kraj. Eh kakav sam kreten, umesto da sam makar instalirao xchat i pisao pomenutu (mIRC) skriptu u Perlu ili Python-u garantovano bih dobio ovaj posao... Gde mi je samo bila pamet!? - Ko razume, shvatice. Ovo je samo jedan potencijalni scenario...