[ stefacabor @ 28.04.2008. 21:42 ] @
da krenem svoju muku; procitah gomilu texta u vezi ove problematike ali nikako da je resim. naime, instaliran je Ubuntu 7.10 sa kernelom 2.6.22-14 (znam da je bitno) i skinuta je plejada drivera za modeme: skinuo sam one sa intelovog sajta i odavde. sad, sa intelovog sajta su driveri zakernel 2.70.95 ali pise da mogu i za 2.60.20 (ali samo pise) dok su driveri Philippe Vouters-a samo za 2.60.80.

dakle, skinem driver i krenem redom:

* otpakujem
* make clean
* make 537
* make install

kada krenem u KPPP redom da probam query modema nema ga nigde. ni na dev/modem ni na dev/t0 i tako redom

evo sta sve ispise i naravno nema modema:

stefaca@TECHNODROME:~/Intel-537EP-$ make clean

cd coredrv; make clean

make[1]: Entering directory `/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-'

rm -f *.ko *.o *~ core

make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-'

rm -f *.o *.ko

stefaca@TECHNODROME:~/Intel-537EP-$ make 537

Module precompile check

Current running kernel is: 2.6.22-14-generic

/lib/modules... autoconf.h exists

diff: /boot/vmlinuz.autoconf.h: No such file or directory

autoconf.h matches running kernel

diff: /boot/vmlinuz.version.h: No such file or directory

version.h matches running kernel


make[1]: Entering directory `/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-'

make -C /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/build SUBDIRS=/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- modules

make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.22-14-generic'

CC [M] /home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- In function ‘get_pci_info_537’:

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: ‘pci_find_device’ is deprecated (declared at include/linux/pci.h:477)

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: ‘pci_find_device’ is deprecated (declared at include/linux/pci.h:477)

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: ‘pci_find_device’ is deprecated (declared at include/linux/pci.h:477)

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: ‘pci_find_device’ is deprecated (declared at include/linux/pci.h:477)

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: ‘pci_find_device’ is deprecated (declared at include/linux/pci.h:477)

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: ‘pci_find_device’ is deprecated (declared at include/linux/pci.h:477)

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: ‘pci_find_device’ is deprecated (declared at include/linux/pci.h:477)

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: ‘pci_find_device’ is deprecated (declared at include/linux/pci.h:477)

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: ‘pci_find_device’ is deprecated (declared at include/linux/pci.h:477)

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: ‘pci_find_device’ is deprecated (declared at include/linux/pci.h:477)

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: ‘pci_find_device’ is deprecated (declared at include/linux/pci.h:477)

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: ‘pci_find_device’ is deprecated (declared at include/linux/pci.h:477)

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- In function ‘softcore_init_struct’:

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- In function ‘open’:

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: ‘deprecated_irq_flag’ is deprecated (declared at include/linux/interrupt.h:66)

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: passing argument 2 of ‘request_irq’ from incompatible pointer type

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: ‘pm_register’ is deprecated (declared at include/linux/pm_legacy.h:15)

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- At top level:

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: initialization makes integer from pointer without a cast

CC [M] /home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-

CC [M] /home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type

CC [M] /home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-

CC [M] /home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-

CC [M] /home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-

CC [M] /home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-

CC [M] /home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-

CC [M] /home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-

CC [M] /home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- In function ‘init_serial’:

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: ‘pci_find_device’ is deprecated (declared at include/linux/pci.h:477)

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- In function ‘softserial_register_tty’:

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- At top level:

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type

CC [M] /home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: initialization makes integer from pointer without a cast

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: function declaration isn’t a prototype

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: function declaration isn’t a prototype

/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type

LD [M] /home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-

Building modules, stage 2.

MODPOST 1 modules

WARNING: could not find /home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- for /home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-

CC /home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-

LD [M] /home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-

make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.22-14-generic'

make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-'

stefaca@TECHNODROME:~/Intel-537EP-$ make install

rm -f /etc/hamregistry.bin

bash 537_inst

running kernel 2.6.22-14-generic

chmod: cannot access `usrsound': No such file or directory

installing hamregistry, used for persistant storage

install: cannot create regular file `/usr/sbin/hamregistry': Permission denied

installing usrsound, a soft buzzer

install: cannot stat `usrsound': No such file or directory

installing 537 module

install: cannot create regular file `/lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/kernel/drivers/char/Intel537.ko': Permission denied

make: *** [install] Error 1


sta dalje da radim? da radim update kernela na 2.60.80 ili imate neki driver za mene i moju muku?

[Ovu poruku je menjao momsab dana 30.04.2008. u 00:17 GMT+1]
[ stefacabor @ 29.04.2008. 00:09 ] @
ako nesto pomazu oznake na chipu modema: Ambient MD3200 A
[ SASA M. @ 29.04.2008. 03:56 ] @
Mozda ces manje vremena izgubiti ako promenis modem.
[ Jbyn4e @ 29.04.2008. 08:35 ] @
"make install" moras da radis kao root, a koliko vidim ti to ne radis...
Jos bolje odradi sve delove kao root, i moglo bi da prodje. Mada je instalacija win modema "pain in the ass" na linuxu generalno....
[ stefacabor @ 29.04.2008. 09:23 ] @
probao i kao root i isto mi dodje. cak sam skinuo i neke drivere za SuSe i isto se desava a lik je sa tim driverima uspeo kod sebe.

sto se zamene modema tice OK je ali da prodavac dodje i da instalira drivere na moje oci i da rade. ovako je bezveze jer mi ovaj modem lepo radi u Windowsu.

da li da menjam kernel posto su skoro svi driveri koje imam za 2.6.80?
[ SASA M. @ 29.04.2008. 18:20 ] @
stefacabor: sto se zamene modema tice OK je ali da prodavac dodje i da instalira drivere na moje oci i da rade. ovako je bezveze jer mi ovaj modem lepo radi u Windowsu.

To nije njegov posao. Vec tvoj.
[ stefacabor @ 29.04.2008. 19:18 ] @
kao sto rekoh nije problem da se kupi vec sta da se kupi. 537 modem ima 90% racunara i svi imaju muke da nateraju da isti radi pod linuxom. a sta ako kupim neki modem koji ima 3% racunara: nema drivera, niko ne netu nije probao to pod linuxom?

dakle, kako da napravim ovo moje cudo da radi? update kernela (i uopste zasto)? neki driveri koje jos nisam probao?

sve zivo je i igri.
[ Jbyn4e @ 29.04.2008. 22:03 ] @
Koliko ja vidim, ti kernel koji imas je:

make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.22-14-generic'

tj. 2.6.22 verzija kernela. Nisi napisao koja distribucija linuxa je u pitanju?

Ove druge brojeve koje pominjes su verzije drajvera za modem, i najbolje bi bilo da probas sa najnovijom, ako sam dobro shvatio - 2.70.95.

Napisi koju gresku ti javlja sad kad radis kao root korisnik. Da li je ista kao prethodna (da ne moze da napravi fajl jer nema privilegije)?

I jos nesto, da li si siguran da imas 537 modem?
[ stefacabor @ 29.04.2008. 22:38 ] @
idem na linux pa javljam sta se desava kada sam root. Inace linux je Ubuntu 7.10. drug moze da mi skine 8.40. vredi li probati?

citao sam da treba da se instalira i gcc3.4 sto sam i napravio ali nista.

javljam se
[ Jbyn4e @ 29.04.2008. 22:50 ] @
Pa za ubuntu 7.10 imas vec paket koji samo uradis dvoklik i on sam sve napravi...
tj. direktan link:
[ stefacabor @ 29.04.2008. 23:13 ] @
Ovako je sa driverima Intel-537EP- :

stefaca@TECHNODROME:~$ sudo su
root@TECHNODROME:/home/stefaca# tar -xvzf Intel-537EP-
root@TECHNODROME:/home/stefaca# cd Intel-537EP-
root@TECHNODROME:/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- make clean
cd coredrv; make clean
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-'
rm -f *.ko *.o *~ core
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-'
rm -f *.o *.ko
root@TECHNODROME:/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- make 537
Module precompile check
Current running kernel is: 2.6.22-14-generic
/lib/modules... autoconf.h exists
diff: /boot/vmlinuz.autoconf.h: No such file or directory
autoconf.h matches running kernel
diff: /boot/vmlinuz.version.h: No such file or directory
version.h matches running kernel
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-'
make -C /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/build SUBDIRS=/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- modules
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.22-14-generic'
CC [M] /home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- In function ‘get_pci_info_537’:
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: ‘pci_find_device’ is deprecated (declared at include/linux/pci.h:477)
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: ‘pci_find_device’ is deprecated (declared at include/linux/pci.h:477)
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: ‘pci_find_device’ is deprecated (declared at include/linux/pci.h:477)
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: ‘pci_find_device’ is deprecated (declared at include/linux/pci.h:477)
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: ‘pci_find_device’ is deprecated (declared at include/linux/pci.h:477)
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: ‘pci_find_device’ is deprecated (declared at include/linux/pci.h:477)
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: ‘pci_find_device’ is deprecated (declared at include/linux/pci.h:477)
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: ‘pci_find_device’ is deprecated (declared at include/linux/pci.h:477)
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: ‘pci_find_device’ is deprecated (declared at include/linux/pci.h:477)
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: ‘pci_find_device’ is deprecated (declared at include/linux/pci.h:477)
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: ‘pci_find_device’ is deprecated (declared at include/linux/pci.h:477)
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: ‘pci_find_device’ is deprecated (declared at include/linux/pci.h:477)
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- In function ‘softcore_init_struct’:
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- In function ‘open’:
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: ‘deprecated_irq_flag’ is deprecated (declared at include/linux/interrupt.h:66)
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: passing argument 2 of ‘request_irq’ from incompatible pointer type
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: ‘pm_register’ is deprecated (declared at include/linux/pm_legacy.h:15)
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- At top level:
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: initialization makes integer from pointer without a cast
CC [M] /home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-
CC [M] /home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
CC [M] /home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-
CC [M] /home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-
CC [M] /home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-
CC [M] /home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-
CC [M] /home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-
CC [M] /home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-
CC [M] /home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- In function ‘init_serial’:
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: ‘pci_find_device’ is deprecated (declared at include/linux/pci.h:477)
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- In function ‘softserial_register_tty’:
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- At top level:
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
CC [M] /home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: initialization makes integer from pointer without a cast
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: function declaration isn’t a prototype
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: function declaration isn’t a prototype
/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
LD [M] /home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-
Building modules, stage 2.
MODPOST 1 modules
WARNING: could not find /home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- for /home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-
CC /home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-
LD [M] /home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.22-14-generic'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP-'
root@TECHNODROME:/home/stefaca/Intel-537EP- make install
rm -f /etc/hamregistry.bin
bash 537_inst
running kernel 2.6.22-14-generic
chmod: cannot access `usrsound': No such file or directory
installing hamregistry, used for persistant storage
installing usrsound, a soft buzzer
install: cannot stat `usrsound': No such file or directory
installing 537 module
debian 537_boot rc2.d and rc3.d scripts
starting module and utilities
537_boot: line 48: 5963 Segmentation fault ! ( modprobe -f $serial > /dev/null 2> /dev/null )
error loading Intel537
ERROR: Module Intel537 is in use

Posle reseta racunara ide ova slika:

A kada upalim KPPP svaki put izbaci ovo:

[ Jbyn4e @ 29.04.2008. 23:22 ] @
POgledaj koje su ti privilegije za /etc/resolv.conf (ls -l /etc/resolv.conf)
pa ako treba probaj da ih postavis na 666 (chmod 666 /etc/resolv.conf) da vidimo sta se tad desava.

I pogledaj malo po logovima (/var/log/messages ili neki drugi) kakve greske (error) javlja vezano za 537.
[ stefacabor @ 29.04.2008. 23:27 ] @
videcu i to pa se javljam sutra.

hvala na odvojenom vremenu
[ SASA M. @ 30.04.2008. 05:50 ] @
stefacabor: kao sto rekoh nije problem da se kupi vec sta da se kupi. 537 modem ima 90% racunara i svi imaju muke da nateraju da isti radi pod linuxom. a sta ako kupim neki modem koji ima 3% racunara: nema drivera, niko ne netu nije probao to pod linuxom?

dakle, kako da napravim ovo moje cudo da radi? update kernela (i uopste zasto)? neki driveri koje jos nisam probao?

sve zivo je i igri.

Nesto slicno sam napisao ovde pre koju godinu. Vidim da se korisnici jos uvek pate sa win modemima. Em je win, em softwerski. Moja ideja je bila da stavis modem na preporuku ljudi koji na nekom forumu preporuce neki komad hardvera koji radi sa tvojom verz. linuxa. Mislim da bi najbolje trebali da rade tzv. hardverski modemi.
[ stefacabor @ 30.04.2008. 08:45 ] @
u sustini softverskom modemu driveri govore sta i kako da se radi i u pravu si da je hardveski mnogo bolji i da ce biti manje muka.

da li mozda znas sta je OK a da je dobavljivo kod nas? nemoj mi samo recu neki USRobotics pa da skocim sa zgrade
[ Jbyn4e @ 30.04.2008. 10:21 ] @
Da li si probao binarni paket koji sam ti ostavio link?

[ stefacabor @ 30.04.2008. 14:27 ] @
moram da odem do druga da skinem; meni nesto nece sa modema. proverava nesto 20min ali ne pocinje skidanje.

javljam se
[ stefacabor @ 30.04.2008. 21:29 ] @
sada sam instalirao svez ubuntu i evo sta kaze posle instalacije drivera:

Congratulations. If you are reading this file then your modem driver should be
installed properly. Remember to reboot with the proper kernel if the driver was
not able to be loaded.

-Quick Info

Your Modem should be accessible from both these locations:

-Connecting to the internet

Right click on your panel bar(at the top or bottom of the screen)
Click "Add to Panel..."
Select "Modem Monitor" from the icons
Click "Add"
Click "Close"
Right-click on the new modem icon
Click "Properties"
Check "Enable this connection"

-Getting Gnome-ppp

Gnome-ppp seems to be a better program for dialing, but it is not
installed by default. To download this program:
sudo apt-get install gnome-ppp -y

Then you will need to configure it. (You may need to logout, then login)
Applications -> Internet -> GNOME PPP
Type in your Username, Password, and dialup Phone number.
Click Setup button
Under the 'Modem' tab
Device: /dev/537 (or /dev/modem)
Type: choose Analogue modem
Speed: 115200 or lower
Phone Line: Tone
Volume: High
Wait for dialtone: checked
Under the 'Networking' tab
Leave Dynamic IP Address and Automatic DNS both enabled
Under the 'Options' tab
Abort connecting if no dialtone: checked
Check carrier line: checked
Check default route: checked
Ignore terminal strings(stupid mode): checked
Close and reopen Gnome-ppp

-Wrap Up

If you'd like to help improve this package, you're more than welcome and please
contact me.

Any other questions/comments [email protected]

i naravno posle reseta KPPP ne moze da nadje modem ni na jednoj lokaciji iako je i u Network setting-su sve podeseno kako treba.

ja mislim da je najbolje resenje slomiti modem? :))))))))
[ Jbyn4e @ 30.04.2008. 22:12 ] @
Sta si zapeo za taj kppp? Si pokusao to sto je covek rekao a ti citirao? Instalirao si ubuntu ili kubuntu (ako se dobro secam kppp je od kde-a?)
Da li ti se pojavljuje neki od tih fajlova (/dev/537, /dev/modem)? Da li se ucitao modul (lsmod| grep 537 ili kako vec)? DA li si uopste siguran da je to 537 modem sto ti imas? Sta pise u logovima (dmesg|less pa trazi 537 i vidi ima li koji error, ili /var/log/messages pa tamo trazi). I koje si uopste sad drajvere instalirao? Mnogo si konfuzan...

A i ako ti je tako lakse, ti lepo slomi modem :)
[ stefacabor @ 02.05.2008. 11:27 ] @
Ajde da krenem redom. Instalirao san Ubuntu 7.10 (sveze, jucer) i instalirao drivere intel537ep-gutsy_1.0_i386.deb i posle reseta Linux kaze da je hardver tu mada ga u listi hardvera nema (Hardware Information). Tu nastaju neka pitanja.

Nakon toga instalirao sam KPPP i GnomePPP posto mi je sve jedno koju cu aplikaciju da koristim za konektovanje. Zatim sam pokrenuo wvdial na sta je sledio odgovor: No modem was detected!!! Configure it with setserial. Ja vec ne znam sta da kuckam tamo jer mi je to vec nepoznato.

Sta dalje? Ako ima dalje? :)))
[ SASA M. @ 02.05.2008. 19:59 ] @
Kakva je situacija sa malo hardverskijim modemom ep536? Da li je on konacno proradio na linuksu? Njega ima na trzistu, ali je i sa njim bilo problema. Nakon toga, ako ne uspe, idemo da pravimo neki snagas da se malo smirimo.
[ stefacabor @ 02.05.2008. 22:24 ] @
sto se snagasa tice techno bore jagodica se polako radi ali modem je muka ogromna.

videcu da nadjem neki 536 pa da probam i to cudo
[ SASA M. @ 02.05.2008. 23:18 ] @
Prvo vidi da li su resili problem i sa tim 536. Mozda dok resis stigne adsl u Bor ili izadje neka distribucija koja ce ga prepoznati? Igrom slucaja imam jedan 537 u svojoj masini, mozda stignem da probam kako ga detektuje live ubuntu verzija. Imam negde neku.
[ stefacabor @ 03.05.2008. 00:27 ] @
koliko sam gledao na forumima isto muka i sa 536 i sa 537 tako da OPA bato
[ stefacabor @ 07.05.2008. 23:44 ] @
fizicki se spremio za duel Ubuntu-Modem: