[ stefy @ 22.10.2001. 10:16 ] @
Jel postoji neki program za linux sa kojim mogu da gledam activity na firewallu/routeru, i po potrebi da zatvorim neku sesiju ili da banujem neki domen? Nesto kao gatekeeper (wingate) za winNT. |
[ stefy @ 22.10.2001. 10:16 ] @
[ MoHicAn @ 22.10.2001. 20:03 ] @
Pa status firewall-a se prati preko log-ova majku mu !!!
[ tuzlaorg @ 22.10.2001. 21:36 ] @
[ alex @ 23.10.2001. 13:16 ] @
Citat: MoHicAn je napisao: Pa status firewall-a se prati preko log-ova majku mu !!! Da neces mozda da stalno sedis ispred konzole i da pratis kako se skroluje log fajl?? Coveku treba aplikacija koja ce to da radi, a ne da on sam sedi i gleda u gomilu linija koje se brzo skroluju.. Otkulirajte sa tim "ja sam hard-core unix guru, koristim cat za programiranje u c++ i asm-u i koristim tail za serfovanje webom" stavom. Covek je trazio GUI aplikaciju, i svaki post koji nema veze sa tim, bice obrisan. Poz, alex. [ rastaman @ 23.10.2001. 15:45 ] @
Citat: stefy je napisao: Nesto kao gatekeeper (wingate) za winNT. Nije problem pracenje protoka preko firewall-a, nego bih hteo da banujem porno sajtove, pa mi treba program sa kojim mogu da banujem ajt ako vidim da neko gleda taj odedjeni sajt. Ili ako je neko poceo da skida neki mp3 (zbog protoka ne smeju da se skidaju veliki fajlovi) da mogu da mu ukinem tu sesiju. [ tuzlaorg @ 25.10.2001. 08:20 ] @
IMAS GUI NA www.freshmeat.net
debil [ random @ 25.10.2001. 21:21 ] @
Ma kakav cat, ja koristim isključivo ed!
From: [email protected] (Patrick J. LoPresti) Subject: The True Path (long) Date: 11 Jul 91 03:17:31 GMT Newsgroups: alt.religion.emacs,alt.slack When I log into my Xenix system with my 110 baud teletype, both vi *and* Emacs are just too damn slow. They print useless messages like, 'C-h for help' and '"foo" File is read only'. So I use the editor that doesn't waste my VALUABLE time. Ed, man! !man ed ED(1) UNIX Programmer's Manual ED(1) NAME ed - text editor SYNOPSIS ed [ - ] [ -x ] [ name ] DESCRIPTION Ed is the standard text editor. --- Computer Scientists love ed, not just because it comes first alphabetically, but because it's the standard. Everyone else loves ed because it's ED! "Ed is the standard text editor." And ed doesn't waste space on my Timex Sinclair. Just look: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root 24 Oct 29 1929 /bin/ed -rwxr-xr-t 4 root 1310720 Jan 1 1970 /usr/ucb/vi -rwxr-xr-x 1 root 5.89824e37 Oct 22 1990 /usr/bin/emacs Of course, on the system *I* administrate, vi is symlinked to ed. Emacs has been replaced by a shell script which 1) Generates a syslog message at level LOG_EMERG; 2) reduces the user's disk quota by 100K; and 3) RUNS ED!!!!!! "Ed is the standard text editor." Let's look at a typical novice's session with the mighty ed: golem$ ed ? help ? ? ? quit ? exit ? bye ? hello? ? eat flaming death ? ^C ? ^C ? ^D ? --- Note the consistent user interface and error reportage. Ed is generous enough to flag errors, yet prudent enough not to overwhelm the novice with verbosity. "Ed is the standard text editor." Ed, the greatest WYGIWYG editor of all. ED IS THE TRUE PATH TO NIRVANA! ED HAS BEEN THE CHOICE OF EDUCATED AND IGNORANT ALIKE FOR CENTURIES! ED WILL NOT CORRUPT YOUR PRECIOUS BODILY FLUIDS!! ED IS THE STANDARD TEXT EDITOR! ED MAKES THE SUN SHINE AND THE BIRDS SING AND THE GRASS GREEN!! When I use an editor, I don't want eight extra KILOBYTES of worthless help screens and cursor positioning code! I just want an EDitor!! Not a "viitor". Not a "emacsitor". Those aren't even WORDS!!!! ED! ED! ED IS THE STANDARD!!! TEXT EDITOR. When IBM, in its ever-present omnipotence, needed to base their "edlin" on a UNIX standard, did they mimic vi? No. Emacs? Surely you jest. They chose the most karmic editor of all. The standard. Ed is for those who can *remember* what they are working on. If you are an idiot, you should use Emacs. If you are an Emacs, you should not be vi. If you use ED, you are on THE PATH TO REDEMPTION. THE SO-CALLED "VISUAL" EDITORS HAVE BEEN PLACED HERE BY ED TO TEMPT THE FAITHLESS. DO NOT GIVE IN!!! THE MIGHTY ED HAS SPOKEN!!! ? [ m r v a @ 26.10.2001. 02:10 ] @
"Ed makes sun shining ....." [ random @ 26.10.2001. 05:05 ] @
To je bio sarkazam, mrvo. Vežbaj prepoznavanje ;o).
[ Pauli @ 26.10.2001. 12:53 ] @
Citat: rastaman je napisao: Ili ako je neko poceo da skida neki mp3 (zbog protoka ne smeju da se skidaju veliki fajlovi) da mogu da mu ukinem tu sesiju. Program preko kojega ces pratiti skida li neko veliki fajl i time zagusuje mrezu nije dugorocno rjesenje (osim ako nemas boljeg posla od sjedenja ispred monitora). Tebi treba, tj. moras uvesti, bandwidth limite. Dati onima koji trebaju, a oduzeti/limitirati onima koji ne trebaju. Pokusaj naci HOWTO na teme: traffic shaping/control, bandwidth management i sl. Copyright (C) 2001-2025 by www.elitesecurity.org. All rights reserved.