[ zulleyu @ 30.10.2003. 11:29 ] @
DA li neko zna sta predstavlja NetBIOS Browsing?
[ Boomerang @ 30.10.2003. 12:08 ] @
NETBIOS browsing means they are looking for network shares. People actually turn on file and printer sharing and run without a firewall! You can map their drive to your computer and access it just like it was local to your machine. Legion is a good scanner for that...
[ Cybernoid II @ 30.10.2003. 12:22 ] @


Svaka win maĊĦina pored ip DNS imena ima i netbios ime (computer name i workgroup-domain polje u my computer) i shares tj. javne resurse.

NetBios browsing je emitovanje i raspitivanje (broadcast i query) o tim podacima.

Preko IP protokola mislim da su neki od portova 135-139 445 1900