[ vlado85 @ 26.07.2008. 22:00 ] @
Znaci lupam glavom cijeli dan...

Module Configuration
You can choose to use an installable module for the RokNewsRotator. The settings are accessible from the following path Admin > Modules > Site Modules > RokNewsRotator . Setup is as follows:-

* Module Mode: Choose which content type is loaded, whether that be Content Items, Static Content Items, Both or Frontpage Only
* Link Title: Select if you want your titles to link to the article or not
* Link Images: Select if you want the images to link to the article or not
* Frontpage Items: This option controls whether frontpage items are shown
* Count: Enter the value of how many articles you wish to have in the module
* Category: Controls the category where the content is loaded from
* Section: Controls the section where the content is loaded from
* Include Mootools JS Library: Set to no unless using a template which doesn't have mootools already being called
* Read More Label: The text placed in the read more button
* Transition Duration: The time taken for the transition between articles in ms
* Delay Length: The time taken for a transition to occur
* Show Image Corners: If set to yes produces rounded cornered images, default is square
* AutoPlay Rotator: Sets the module to automatically change articles or stay static for user input
* Preview Length: Set a value to choose how many characters are shown as a preview of the full article

If you wish to place inside a Static Content Item, follow the instructions below:-

1. Navigate to Admin > Site > Template Manager > Module Positions
2. Find an empty field and input rotator and save
3. Navigate to Admin > Modules > Site Modules > RokNewsRotator
4. Assign the module to the rotator position
5. Create your static content item
6. Insert the following syntax {mosloadposition rotator} into the content item (use {loadposition rotator} for Joomla 1.5)

The static content will now load the module

All you need to do now is to create some content items which are assigned to the category/section you chose in the module settings. In the content item, you will need to use the following syntax to load the image with the correct styling. The code is content editor HTML mode friendly.

<!--IMAGE image_path IMAGE-->

An example is as follows

<!--IMAGE images/stories/lego/rotator-3.jpg IMAGE-->

Place the image code at the top of your content item and write your content after it.

to je jedino uputstvo...

Ne znam kako da ubacim fotografije da se smjenjuju, sve sam pokusavao...

News rotator izgleda ovako:

[ misk0 @ 27.07.2008. 16:00 ] @
Pa gdje si zapeo, tj sta si do sad uradio?