[ mojo12 @ 29.07.2008. 09:36 ] @
Zna li neko za neki jednostavan forum koji moze da se postavi na Internet ali da je pritom pisan u PHP jeziku i da ne koristi SQL bazu podataka? |
[ mojo12 @ 29.07.2008. 09:36 ] @
[ dr ZiDoo @ 29.07.2008. 09:41 ] @
imas na esu neke prastari txt forum, procackaj po php forumu, al to je bilo bas davno :)
[ bukovski @ 29.07.2008. 14:53 ] @
use google luke use google !
naravno da postoje takve scripte ali pitanje je sta i zasto ? sad i vecina free hostinga daje mysql bazu alne ulazeci u problematiku evo par linkova na kojima ces naci to sto ti treba !!! al da ti skratim muke evo ti jedan koji ce ti zavrsi posao skroz ! textfileBB https://launchpad.net/tfbb/ Citat: Forum Settings -------------------------------- * Put a board into maintenance mode, allowing only admins to login. * Word censoring * Disable/Enable Search * Disable/Email System * Turn attachments on/off Boards and Categories -------------------------------- * Reorder boards within categories, or reorder categories. * Assign moderators. * Allow certain membergroups to access a board, including guests only. * Configure permissions for each membergroup on the board level. Member Registration -------------------------------- * Require registration before forum entrance. * Require a user to agree to terms before they register. * Require a moderator to approve registration. * Member Navigation and Authentication * Several security checks during navigation. * Password reminder option, by email with confirmation. (doesn't automatically reset your password.) * Cookie based authentication, with md5 sha1 password hash security. * Sortable and searchable public memberlist * Memberlist. * See who's doing what Statistics -------------------------------- * Total Posts on the forums * Several board statistics (accessible by permission.) * Individual member statistics accessible from their profile. Membergroups -------------------------------- * Advanced permission and user management. * Create membergroups to group members on permissions, access rights, and/or appearance. * Determine the maximum number of personal messages per inbox * Assign graphical symbol(s) to a membergroup * Determine which membergroups are allowed to access a board. Banning -------------------------------- * Ban members based on their username, and IP Address * Chose between full ban, 'no post' ban, or registration ban. (by setting permissions) * Integrate parts of forum software into existing website using SSI or PHP. * Several forum statistics. * List of users online. The menu bar -------------------------------- * Search. * Login/logout. * Today's birthdays * Latest members. Theming and Templating ----------------------------------------------------- * Ability to install a new theme via your administration center. * Admin can add smileys * Simple CSS, easy to design Posting Features ----------------------------------------------------- * Quick Reply * BBCodes (easy ways to add your own also) * Quote Attachments ----------------------------------------------------- * Secure check on filetype by extention and not MIME. * Allowed on a per member group or board basis. * Optional restriction on what filetypes may be uploaded. * Ability to restrict such that only registered members can view them (disables hotlinking, mostly.) * Images can be embedded into posts. * Attachment Log Manager, see who uploaded what, where, and when. Calendar Support ------------------------------------- * Shows Birthdays on index. (Calendar Not Available though) Moderation Tools ------------------------- * Ability to lock and unlock a topic. * Delete or modify posts. * Move or delete topics. * Sticky or unsticky topics. User Profiles and User Options ------------------------------- * Ability to hide your email address from the public. * Select their favorite theme among the activated forum themes * New topics per board. * Single topics. * Private messages. * Personal text, avatar, signature, and all the niceties of forums can be used and are kept up to date in all your posts. * List all topics that have new replies since your last visit. * See who is browsing the same boards or topics as you. * Topics that span multiple pages have the page numbers listed. * Postcounts. http://jcink.com/?act=textfileBB&p=main ovo nije bas sto trazis al baci pogled mozda zavrsi posao nije php al.... http://ikonboard.com/downloads.php [ Alias @ 11.11.2010. 17:16 ] @
Evo ti jedan koji koristim na nekim malim sajtovima:
http://www.drmartinus.de/menu.php?topic=software_pblang&no=2 tj. http://sourceforge.net/projects/pblang/ Copyright (C) 2001-2024 by www.elitesecurity.org. All rights reserved.