[ Catch 22 @ 17.09.2008. 11:06 ] @
Možda će biti zanimljiva tema za praćenje u budućnosti, pošto evo neke promene se već dešavaju.
RIM (OS u BlackBerry smartphone uređajima) je pretekao po broju korisnika Windows Mobile i pozicionirao se na drugo mesto iza superiorno dominantnog Symbiana

RIM overtakes Windows Mobile, becoming the number 2 OS
RIM's Blackberry OS has overtaken Windows Mobile, in terms of marketshare, putting it second, below the market leader, Symbian. Figures for the second quarter of last year, showed, that Windows Mobile's marketshare was at 11.5%,, which increased to 12% for the second quarter of this year. But, that wasn't enough, as Rim enjoyed a massive leap from 8.9% for the second quarter of last year, which increased to more than double, to 17.4%, for the second quarter for this year.

Izvor: Mobile Review


Pogledajte i temu: Smartphones: Broj aktuelnih modela po proizvodjačima

[Ovu poruku je menjao Catch 22 dana 20.09.2008. u 03:35 GMT+1]
[ -V-O-Y-A-G-E-R- @ 17.09.2008. 11:16 ] @
Interesantno..zvuči neverovatno, uz svu najezdu WM telefona :)
[ -V-O-Y-A-G-E-R- @ 17.09.2008. 15:03 ] @
Kolega Vranac mi skrenu pažnju da je bitan detalj za ovu vest taj da se radi o USA tržištu, a ne o svetskom, što drastično menja stvari (npr. ne bih se toliko iznenadio u prethodnoj poruci :)


[ Vranac @ 17.09.2008. 15:55 ] @
Ja cu da se izvinem kolegi -V-O-Y-A-G-E-R-u, jer sam posle malo kopanja po netu ipak uvideo da su ovo cifre za World Wide Market

[Ovu poruku je menjao Vranac dana 17.09.2008. u 17:17 GMT+1]
[ -V-O-Y-A-G-E-R- @ 17.09.2008. 16:26 ] @
Onda ću ja opet da se iznenadim zbog, za mene, neočekivanog uspeha RIM-a :D
[ Leksiko @ 12.03.2009. 10:58 ] @
Pocetak 2009.
Symbian je pao na 62%
iPhone ima 2%
Android se jos ne pojavljuje.