[ DelPjero @ 29.09.2008. 13:10 ] @
Kako da celu web stranu pretvorim u sliku JPG ili GIF?
[ Aleksandar Ružičić @ 29.09.2008. 13:54 ] @
Nadjes na tastaturi Print Screen dugme, pritisnes ga, otvoris Paint, pritisnes Ctrl+V pa onda Ctrl+S i odaberes JPEG i ime fajla...
[ Ivand @ 29.09.2008. 15:40 ] @
Ali to nece pretvoriti celu stranicu u jpg vec samo taj ekran, sto je jelte problem.
Resenje je jedan mali besplatni program nezgodno nazvani WebShot ima ga ovde http://www.softpedia.com/progDownload/WebShot-Download-55730.html
On ce snimiti celu stranicu koliko god "ekrana" bila dugacka...
[ kiselilimun @ 29.09.2008. 16:02 ] @
Problem moze nastati ako je stranica malo vece duzine te trenutno "slikanje" ekran ne moze da obuhvati sve delove web starnice.
Moj predlog je http://www.techsmith.com/download/snagittrial.asp i imas opciju bas za web stranice, bez obzira na duzinu i sirinu.
Program je pametan te samo uslika web starnicu !
[ kratos3 @ 29.09.2008. 19:53 ] @
FireShot extenzija za Firefox & Internet Explorer!
[ drdrksa @ 29.09.2008. 20:49 ] @
Ako koristis Mozilla Firefox, postoji jedan mnogo zgodan dodatak a zove se ScreenGrab. Laka instalacija i koriscenje.

Opis :

Screengrab saves entire webpages as images.

It will save what you can see in the window, the entire page, just a selection, a particular frame... basically it saves webpages as images.

The following little keywords are at the request of those who can't remember the name ScreenGrab! and want searches to work. It takes screen shots, screenshots - that is, shots, of web pages.
[ Miroslav Ćurčić @ 29.09.2008. 20:54 ] @
Ili angažuješ www.websnapr.com da to uradi umesto tebe.
[ ajdeBre @ 29.09.2008. 22:39 ] @
Ili vec pomenuti ScreenGrab, ili FastStone Capture: