[ Branimir Maksimovic @ 21.11.2008. 23:59 ] @
Stavio sam ovaj drajver i mogu reci da se oseca ubrzanje.
Dodata je i podrska za opengl 3.0 koliko vidim.
E sad nazalost moja distribucija (ubuntu intrepid) nece ubacivati nove drajvere pa ovo mora da se instalira
startovanjem nvidia run fajl-a , ali sljaka super.


[ Srđan Pavlović @ 22.11.2008. 02:56 ] @
Branimire hvala za onfo - ovo i mene jako zanima, juce sam sa druge particije makao Vistu, tako da sam sada
kompletno samo na Linuxu, a posto sam za graficku dao poprilicno novaca, voleo bih da se ona sto bolje i
iskoristi :)

Inace, i ja sam na Interpidu, i cuo sam od nekih korisnika da su im sporije graficke performanse na 8.10
nego sto su bile na 8.04. Ja nesto nisam primetio, doduse nisam ni startovao nesto graficki zahtevno na
Linuxu (igre je odradjivao windows) ;) - tako da nisam ni primetio. Meni je najbitnija stabilnost mnogo pre
nego neke manje razlike u performansama - pa nesto sad ne bih stavljao tu betu, premda ti verujem da
radi dobro. Zaboravio sam da uporedim skor za glxgears kada sam bio na 8.04 i sada na 8.10.
Doduse, 8.04 je Xorg 7.3, a 8.10 Xorg 7.4 - pa cemo videti vremenom koliko se ce jos srediti Xorg 7.4.
Trenutno na 8.10 sa 177.80 drajverima nemam problema.
[ Ilic Igor @ 22.11.2008. 09:06 ] @
Koja/e igrica/e podrzavaju nvidia physx?
[ DeathStar @ 28.11.2008. 16:45 ] @
Jel testirao neke te beta drajvere? Kada se može očekivati finalna verzija?

Inače igrice koje podržavaju physx:

* 2 Days to Vegas
* Adrenalin 2: Rush Hour
* Age of Empires III (Only on the Mac version)
* Alpha Prime
* Auto Assault
* Backbreaker
* B.A.S.E. Jumping
* Bet on Soldier: Blackout Saigon
* Bet on Soldier: Blood of Sahara
* Bet on Soldier: Blood Sport
* Beowulf: The Game
* Bladestorm: The Hundred Years' War
* Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway
* Captain Blood
* Cellfactor: Combat Training
* Cellfactor: Revolution
* City of Villains
* Crazy Machines 2
* Cryostasis: Sleep of Reason
* Dark Physics
* Desert Diner
* Dragonshard
* Dusk 12
* Empire Above All
* Empire Earth III
* Entropia Universe
* Fallen Earth
* Frontlines: Fuel of War
* Fury
* Gears of War
* Gears of War 2
* Race Driver: Grid
* Gluk'Oza: Action
* GooBall
* Gothic 3
* Gunship Apocalypse
* Heavy Rain
* Hero's Journey
* Hour of Victory
* Huxley
* Infernal
* Inhabited island: Prisoner of Power
* Joint Task Force
* Kuma\War
* Magic ball 3
* Mass Effect
* Medal of Honor: Airborne (No Geforce PhysX)
* Metro 2033
* Mirror's Edge
* Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire
* Monster Madness: Battle for Suburbia
* Monster Truck Maniax
* Nights: Journey of Dreams
* Myst Online: Uru Live
* Nurien
* Open Fire
* Paragraph 78
* Pirates of the Burning Sea
* PT Boats: Knights of the Sea
* Rail Simulator
* Red Steel
* Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends
* Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy
* Roboblitz
* Sacred 2
* Shadowgrounds: Survivor
* Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened
* Showdown: Scorpion
* Silverfall
* Sovereign Symphony
* Sonic and the Secret Rings
* Speedball 2
* Stoked Rider: Alaska Alien
* Switchball
* Tension
* The Hunt
* The Stalin Subway
* Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter
* Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2
* Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas (No Geforce PhysX)
* Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent
* Tortuga: Two Treasures
* Two Worlds
* Ultra Tubes
* Unreal Tournament 3
* Unreal Tournament 3: Extreme Physics Mod
* Warfare
* Warmonger: Operation Downtown Destruction
* W.E.L.L. Online
* Winterheart's Guild
* WorldShift