[ leka @ 25.11.2003. 19:10 ] @

Ako nekoga interesuje GNU/Linux na Enterprise polju, savetujem da pazljivo procita ovaj clanak: http://www.eedesign.com/columns/eda/OEG20031124S0050 .

Maleni citat iz clanka
In what are these leaders investing-and why? Linux doubled its penetration in the EDA market in 2002, overtaking RISC-based Solaris as the main secondary EDA platform. And Linux is predicted to be the main primary platform within 12 to 18 months. The market share for HP-UX and Windows NT, according to a platform study by Synopsys Inc., is negligible, while Linux platforms increased over the two prior years.

Btw. evo sta je EDA: [quote]EDA (Electronic Design Automation) - A large collection of software tools that enhance and aid in the development of complex electronic systems.[/qote]
[ B o j a n @ 25.11.2003. 20:17 ] @
hahaha .... linux... enterprajz .... haahha DOBAR VIC !
[ VRider @ 25.11.2003. 22:20 ] @
Tema nema smisla, odgovor jos manje. Zamolio bih leku da temu prebaci u Advocacy (da je ne brisem... :-) ).
[ leka @ 26.11.2003. 07:21 ] @
Ma slobodno brisi... stav prema GNU/Linux-u je jasan :)

Smejte se koliko hocete ali ja tvrdim da ce GNU/Linux za godinu-dve (znaci ne za deset kako neki misle) da osvoji Enterprise trziste. O:-)
[ VRider @ 26.11.2003. 10:11 ] @
@leka: ciji stav je jasan preka GNU/Linuxu.
Zasto bi se bilo ko smejao tome sto ti kazes i zasto tebe cini to tako srecnim?
[ Ivan Dimkovic @ 26.11.2003. 11:19 ] @
Ok.. smejte se vi ali ja vidim Linux kako kontrolise glavni mainframe za kontrolu space shuttle-a za koju godinu #)@*!@*(

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