[ Catch 22 @ 25.02.2009. 00:31 ] @
Microsoft radi na razvoju novog internet pretraživača, pod nazivom "Gazela", koji bi trebalo da donese mnogo noviteta, kao i poboljšanu sigurnost u odnosu na sve trenutno postojeće programe te vrste.
"Gazela" bi trebalo da bude nešto više od pukog internet pretraživača...

The browser, called Gazelle, relies on a "browser kernel" (5,000 lines of C# code) that helps enforce security rules to prevent malicious access to the PC's underlying operating system.

Gazelle's Browser Kernel is an operating system that exclusively manages resource protection and sharing across web site principals. This construction exposes intricate design issues that no previous work has identified, such as legacy protection of cross-origin script source, and cross-principal, cross-process display and events protection. "Gazelle is different from some other browsers in that it considers each part of a Web site, such as iframes, subframes and plug-ins, as separate elements. Sometimes those elements can pull in malicious content from other Web sites. Google's Chrome runs a Web page and its elements in a single process."

Microsoft's 'Gazelle' browser to be more secure

The Multi-Principal OS Construction of the Gazelle Web Browser

Microsoft Research: Gazelle Papers (pdf)
[ icobh @ 14.03.2009. 16:00 ] @
Ma kakav Gazelle, moraće ime biti drugačije, jer je čak jedan član ovog foruma prije 2-3 godine napravio browser sa ovakvim imenom. Bio je zasnovan na Gecko engine-u. Ja baš pripremao ikonice za njega...

Znači biće para od MS-a

P.S. Mislim da je Floppy u pitanju...