[ Stefan Jocic @ 25.02.2009. 17:59 ] @
Jos uvek Beta, ali ima promena i to velikih.
Skinite betu odavde: http://www.apple.com/safari/download/

Cover Flow
New to Safari, Cover Flow offers a highly visual way of reviewing your site history and bookmarked sites, presenting full-page previews of the websites that look exactly as they did when you last visited them.

One look is all you need to recognize the site you want to visit. Simply flip through website previews in Cover Flow the same way you flip through album art in iTunes. Directional arrows let you browse forward and back. Or you can quickly flip through multiple sites using the slider. And when you find the site you want, simply click to open it.

Tabs on Top
Tabs offer a great way to have multiple pages open at the same time in a single browser window. And to switch back and forth with a click. Now Safari takes tabbed browsing to new heights — to the very top of the browser window — instantly providing more room for you to enjoy the sites you’re reading.

Safari also makes it easy to create and manage tabs. To create a new tab, just click the + button in the upper-right corner of the Safari window. Want to rearrange tabs? Simply drag a tab by its handle and drop it in a new location in the tab bar. You can also use the handle to drop a tab into another Safari window. Or quickly create a new window by dragging the tab out to the desktop. You can create a bookmark from a group of tabs. Or even tell Safari to open a set of tabs every time you open a new Safari window.

Nitro Engine
Still the world’s fastest web browser, Safari outraces Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Chrome. On even the most demanding Web 2.0 applications, Safari delivers blazingly fast performance thanks to the industry’s most advanced rendering technologies.

Using the new Nitro Engine, for example, Safari executes JavaScript up to 30 times faster than Internet Explorer 7 and more than 3 times faster than Firefox 3 based on performance in leading industry benchmark tests: iBench and SunSpider.

Windows Native Look and Feel
If you’re using Safari on a PC with Windows Vista or Windows XP, you’ll feel right at home. That’s because Safari features a native look — just like other Windows applications — including a native title bar, borders, and toolbars. To provide a consistent Windows experience, Safari now uses Windows standard fonts, but you can choose to use Apple’s crisp anti-aliased fonts if you prefer. Of course, Safari in Windows delivers the same lightning-fast performance provided by the Mac version.

Developer Tools
In Safari, developers will find the best set of development tools ever included in a browser. Just turn them on in Safari preferences and use them to examine the structure of a page, debug JavaScript, optimize performance and compatibility, inspect offline databases, or test experimental pieces of code on the fly. For more specific information about each of the development tools, visit the Safari Dev Center page.

[ Slobodan Miskovic @ 26.02.2009. 09:09 ] @
Vrlo brzo i lepo. Videcemo kako ce se pokazati narednih dana..
[ Stefan Jocic @ 26.02.2009. 11:49 ] @
Stvarno je veoma brz. Jedino mi se ne svidja sto su stavili Windows Native Look, a koliko sam ja video nema opcije da se vrati Mac look. Inace Top Sites definitivno je korisna stvar. Mada je Opera prva uvela tu funkciju.
[ AnaIvanovicFan @ 26.02.2009. 20:52 ] @
Hm, cim sam ga pokrenuo odmah je poceo da blokira...cini mi se da se pri prvom pristupanju otvara neka flash animacija dobrodoslice...e tu je pocelo da mi blokira...sve u svemu mislim da je moja masina slaba za Safari.
[ Stefan Jocic @ 26.02.2009. 21:01 ] @
Definitivno ti je slaba masina, nije do Safarija. Inace ona animacija nije uradjena u flashu.
[ Sudomaster @ 04.03.2009. 23:11 ] @
jockeal: Inace Top Sites definitivno je korisna stvar. Mada je Opera prva uvela tu funkciju.

Pa kakve veze ima što je opera prva uvela to? Sada je kao Safari sra**e zato što je Opera prva uvela FastTab options? Totalno bezveze...

Na Mac-u ovaj novi safari radi totalno OK, ja sam do sada uvek koristio Camino ali ovaj safari ima tedenciju da ipak kliknem na "make default"
[ urosg3 @ 04.03.2009. 23:23 ] @
Stavio sam Safari 4 na moj stari laptop G3 Lombard, i moram reci da mi se svidja, i vizuelno i kako radi, definitovno brze od starog, a to se na ovoj staroj masini itekako primeti.
[ Stefan Jocic @ 06.03.2009. 17:04 ] @

Ja nisam rakao da je Safari sr***e ! Samo sam nagovestio da i Opera ima tu funkciju...ne shvatam sto se samo napadate ovde
[ Vucko @ 28.04.2009. 23:22 ] @
Da ne otvaram novu temu
Skinuo sam Safari i instalacija je protekla bez problema, ali kada ga pokrenem ??? najbolje da pogledate sliku.
Probao sam i sa novom i starijim verzijama. Da li nedostaje neki player...