[ nanic019 @ 04.04.2009. 23:48 ] @
Ovih dana mi je do... Srbija .... konacno posle toliko godina i toliko laznih obecanja .... pa bih molio ako neko moze da pomogne i uputime odakle da krenem kako bih dobio iseljenicku vizu za Australiju za svoje tri cere ,suprigu i sebe .... ?
[ zraj @ 05.04.2009. 17:22 ] @
The first step in migrating is to find out if you are eligible:

1. Applicants are aged under 45 years of age.

2. Have English language skills necessary for their occupation

3. Have had their degrees or trade qualifications assessed by one of the assessing authorities, who confirm to DIMIA
that applicants skills are equal to the same degree or trade qualification necessary for recognition in Australia

4. Applicants have a predetermined level of work experience in their occupation

5.Applicants meet strict health and character checks.

Develop a schedule and a budget. The plan has to include absolutely everything; starting from where in Australia do you want to live and visas, through to costs for settling, Australian registration etc.

General Skilled Migration Pre-Lodgement Enquiry Form
Use this form if you have not lodged a General Skilled Migration visa application and would like more information.


[Ovu poruku je menjao zraj dana 05.04.2009. u 19:08 GMT+1]
[ Branko Santo @ 06.04.2009. 07:39 ] @
Imas gore temu za Australiju i NZ, kad procitas dva puta pitaj sta nije jasno :) I naravno mnogo puta pominjani sajt imigracionog i AU i NZ