[ Comf-y @ 27.05.2009. 15:46 ] @
Prilikom importa .sql baze sa par jednostavnih triggera putem PhpMyAdmin-a dobijem narednu gresku:

'#1227 - Access denied; you need the SUPER privilege for this operation'

Baza se uspjesno importuje, ali od triggera ni traga. Pokusao sam na par besplatnih hostinga i isti problem se desava. O cemu se zapravo radi?
[ bogdan.kecman @ 27.05.2009. 17:23 ] @


The TRIGGER privilege enables you to create and drop triggers. You must have this privilege for a table to create or drop triggers for that table. This privilege was added in MySQL 5.1.6. (Prior to MySQL 5.1.6, trigger operations required the SUPER privilege.)

jasno? il da detaljisem?
[ Comf-y @ 27.05.2009. 18:14 ] @
Jasno. Hvala.