Panda Cloud Antivirus protects you while you browse, play or work and you won’t even notice it. It is extremely light as all the work is done in the cloud.
Panda Cloud Antivirus provides you with the fastest protection against the newest viruses thanks to its cloud-scanning from PandaLabs’ servers.
Panda Cloud Antivirus is truly install and forget. Don’t worry about updates, configuration or complicated decisions ever again.
U pitanju je Beta verzija, ali je zanimljiv novi pristup kompletnoj koncepciji AV programa
[ mili38 @ 09.07.2009. 17:02 ] @
jesi li ga testirao ,
[ MMaarrCCoo @ 26.07.2009. 12:28 ] @
Juce sam ga instalirao,pa cemo videti kako ce se ponasati.pozz
[ Mister Big Time @ 04.02.2010. 18:31 ] @
Citao sam opis u SK-u za ovaj cloud AV.
kako se pokazao u praksi kod ES-ovaca?
[ therkon @ 13.02.2010. 23:25 ] @
Bogami nije se lose pokazao... Sam radi lepo, nije potrebna pomoc korisnika u vidu odabira sta zelite sa virusom... Ne zauzima mnogo resursa, moja preporuka za prosecne korisnike koji se ne razumeju mnogo u komp... Win7... Probacu i na XP-u... Slika se odnosi na statistiku u protekla 3 meseca...
[ Mister Big Time @ 19.02.2010. 22:37 ] @
I ja ga testiram, ali sam nesto skeptican, mada koncept nije los. Videcemo, rano je za rezultate.
[ Aleksandar Maletic @ 20.02.2010. 15:51 ] @
Panda nikad nije imala pravo resenje za zastitu i toga smo svi svesni...mozda ce ovaj Cloud AV uciniti nesto vise,ali cisto sumnjam...nisam optimista po tom pitanju...
- Entirely new look and feel. More modern, more intuitive. Easier than ever before.
- Scheduled scans. One of the most demanded features from our Community. And now it’s available in the FREE & Pro versions!
- Rescue Kit. Extremely useful in emergency situations caused by malware infections.
- Automatic USB vaccination. This feature, which was only available to Pro users in previous versions, is now available for free!
- New Panda Account. An exclusive area where you’ll be able to download your products, manage your services, obtain documentation, get technical support through the new Technical Support Forum and, only for Pro users, receive personal VIP support via an online form. Additionally, you will be able to manage all of your Panda Consumer products from this area, as well as your Android devices if they are protected with Panda Mobile Security.
- Performance improvements to make Panda Cloud Antivirus lighter than ever.