[ Marko Bijelic @ 19.12.2003. 10:47 ] @
Kako su cijene rada, nacini naplacivanje, plate i sve sto ide uz to, cest predmet diskusije u sklopu ovog foruma, jedno interesantno istrazivanje o situaciji na ovom polju u SAD.

Uvazeni institut AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts) ovakva istrazivanja sprovodi nekoliko godina unazad, ovo su rezultati s pocetka 2003. godine. Istrazivanje je obuhvatilo 3,036 clanova ovog institutata.

Compensation is reported in terms of three statistics: the 25th percentile, the median (or 50th percentile), and the 75th percentile. The 25th percentile represents that value which is greater than 25 percent of all values; the median that value greater than 50 percent of all values, and so on.

[ Marko Bijelic @ 28.06.2004. 15:23 ] @
Još na ovu temu, AIGA salary calculator ( doduše, samo u USA, ali... ):
