[ Elza @ 30.09.2009. 08:46 ] @
Imam problem glede podešavanja vremena u linuxu, pokrečem skripticu ntpdate koja je došla sa samom instalacijom ali uporno vrijeme brza za 6 minuta.

Pokrećem /usr/sbin/ntpdate st.ntp.carnet.hr

uporno vrijeme brza, npr javlja mi kad probam na date

Sri Ruj 30 09:52:55 CEST 2009

/edit: dodat tag "[RESENO]"

[Ovu poruku je menjao Srđan Pavlović dana 17.11.2009. u 08:48 GMT+1]
[ combuster @ 30.09.2009. 08:53 ] @
Jesi li probala da startujes servis ntpd i ntpdate ?

U /etc/ntp.conf treba da imas liniju

server pool.ntp.org

i naravno da ti je timezone podesen kako treba...
[ Elza @ 30.09.2009. 09:23 ] @
Imam ovo u /etc/ntp.conf

server 0.pool.ntp.org
server 1.pool.ntp.org
server 2.pool.ntp.org

nemam baš ovako server pool.ntp.org

A gdje podešavam timezone? jel isto u /etc/ntp.conf ?

Ovo mi je baš čudno jer na ostalim serverima je dovoljno pokrenuti ntpdate...
[ combuster @ 30.09.2009. 09:34 ] @
Pa timezone se kod mene podesava u /etc/rc.conf

imam liniju TIMEZONE="Europe/Belgrade"

Mada ajde da razumem da ti pomera vreme celih sat - dva ali za 6 minuta...

probaj ntpdate pool.ntp.org
[ Elza @ 30.09.2009. 09:50 ] @
Nemam tog fajla /etc/rc.conf uopće.

probala sam pokrenuti ntpdate pool.ntp.org

izvrši se ali, opet isto.

Znači u mene je razlika 6 min da brza unaprijed.

To mi je baš bitno jer na tom stroju imam sistemskih logova vezano za posao.
[ Elza @ 30.09.2009. 10:00 ] @
Probala sam promijeniti i ovu datoteku /etc/sysconfig/clock

more /etc/sysconfig/clock

Stavila sam
more /etc/sysconfig/clock

ko što je na ostalim serverima i pokrenula ntpdate ali ništa ne pomaže.

Treba li neki restart nečeg nakon promjene ove datotekice /etc/sysconfig/clock
[ Jbyn4e @ 30.09.2009. 10:47 ] @
E svasta, 6 minuta.. jesi sigurna da ti referentni sat koji gledas ne kasni 6 minuta?

Btw. imas li ntpd instaliran? I KOJI linux je u pitanju?
[ Elza @ 30.09.2009. 11:14 ] @
Da, upravo 6 minuta. I sve je u redu sa referentnim staom kojeg gledam, jer taj isti sat gledaju drugi serveri gdje je ok vrijeme.

Inače je ovaj Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS release 4

kako provjeriti jel ntpd instaliran? U dignutim procesima ga nema. U stvari čak sam ga digla iz skripte za pokretanje i onda pokrenula ntpdate i opet isto... 6 minuta
[ Srđan Pavlović @ 30.09.2009. 13:21 ] @
E svasta, 6 minuta..

Meni se ovo desavalo na Archu :) - bas tako - za 6 min. Ne secam se u cemu je bio fazon,
posle kad sam podesio rc.conf, nije se vise desavalo.

[ Elza @ 30.09.2009. 13:24 ] @
Al problem je što ja nemam rc.conf, hm uopće ne znam gdje je problem.

Ne možeš se sjetit kako si torješio?

Na ostalim identičnim strojevima sve radi, al na ovom 6 minuta razlike...
[ Srđan Pavlović @ 30.09.2009. 13:35 ] @
Pa ne znam kako se to na RHEL-u konfigurise, kod mene rc.conf, relevantan deo izgleda ovako:


Sad nemam pojma ni kako se to resilo kod mene, samo sam se setio da je bilo to pomeranje i kod mene :(
[ Elza @ 30.09.2009. 14:24 ] @
Ok hvala na odgovoru, budem guglala po netu...
[ Srđan Pavlović @ 30.09.2009. 14:43 ] @

Mozda ovo pomogne.
[ Elza @ 01.10.2009. 07:55 ] @
Hvala na pomoći, al nije pomoglo. Uradila baš sve po toj proceduri al ništa. Opet razlika 6 min.....
[ Jbyn4e @ 01.10.2009. 10:40 ] @
Daj nam izlaz komande:

# ntpq -p

I da, btw, imas li log file? Linija u /etc/ntp.conf, nesto kao:

logfile /var/log/ntp

i sta pise u njemu ako ga imas?
[ Elza @ 01.10.2009. 12:06 ] @
Izlaz iz ove komande

cron.daily]# ntpq -p
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
meg.magnet.ie .INIT. 16 u - 64 0 0.000 0.000 4000.00 .INIT. 16 u - 64 0 0.000 0.000 4000.00
chris.magnet.ie .INIT. 16 u - 64 0 0.000 0.000 4000.00
LOCAL(0) LOCAL(0) 10 l - 64 0 0.000 0.000 4000.00

Nemam zapisa u /etc/ntp.conf o log fajlu..

Ali imam u messages

Oct 1 13:09:05 ntpd: ntpd pokretanje succeeded
Oct 1 13:09:05 ntpd[4433]: precision = 1.000 usec
Oct 1 13:09:05 ntpd[4433]: Listening on interface wildcard,
Oct 1 13:09:05 ntpd[4433]: Listening on interface wildcard, ::#123
Oct 1 13:09:05 ntpd[4433]: Listening on interface lo,
Oct 1 13:09:05 ntpd[4433]: Listening on interface eth0, IP adresa stroja#123
Oct 1 13:09:05 ntpd[4433]: kernel time sync status 0040
Oct 1 13:09:05 ntpd[4433]: frequency initialized 0.000 PPM from /var/lib/ntp/drift
[ Jbyn4e @ 01.10.2009. 14:16 ] @
tvoj "stroj" se ne sinhronizuje kako treba, iz nekog razloga (recimo nema pristup uopste internetu)
Your Linux NTP clients cannot Synchronize Properly

A telltale sign that you haven't got proper synchronization is when all the remote servers have jitter, delay and reach values of 0. In some older versions of Fedora, the jitter values will be 4000.

remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
LOCAL(0) LOCAL(0) 10 l - 64 7 0.000 0.000 0.008
ntp-cup.externa 16 u - 64 0 0.000 0.000 0.000
snvl-smtp1.trim 16 u - 64 0 0.000 0.000 0.000
nist1.aol-ca.tr 16 u - 64 0 0.000 0.000 0.000

This could be caused by the following:

* Older versions of the NTP package that don't work correctly if you use the DNS name for the NTP servers. In these cases you will want to use the actual IP addresses instead.
* A firewall blocking access to your Stratum 1 and 2 NTP servers. This could be located on one of the networks between the NTP server and its time source, or firewall software such as iptables could be running on the server itself.
* The notrust nomodify notrap keywords are present in the restrict statement for the NTP client. In some versions of the Fedora Core 2's implementation of NTP, clients will not be able to synchronize with a Fedora Core 2 time server unless the notrust nomodify notrap keywords are removed from the NTP client's restrict statement.

(obrati paznju na crveno!!!)

Dakle, ti uopste ne uspes da pristupis serverima za sinhronizaciju... moras da ustanovis zasto je to tako.

Btw. da li ti je ntpd startovan? Uradi:

# date
# service ntpd stop
# ntpdate -u pool.ntp.org
# service ntpd start
# date

pa vidi da li se nesto promenilo.

[ Elza @ 01.10.2009. 15:02 ] @
E sad ne znam dosta je stara verzija ntp-a na ovom računalu, i system-config-date paketa.
Probat ću instalirati na novu verziju sve pa da vidim onda.
[ Elza @ 28.10.2009. 12:55 ] @
Što je najgore, sad je razlika u vremenu 13min, i stalno se povečava,
a instalirala sam novije verije ntp-a , i system-config-date paketa kao npr. na ostalim strojevima gdje radi točno vrijeme.

[ Jbyn4e @ 28.10.2009. 14:29 ] @
Ajmo opet, Elizabeta:

Pravilnik, clanovi 3 i 8.
i postupi po tome. Narocito kad si vec update-ovala pakete, daj nam OPET izlaz gornjih komandi, samo sa novim paketima.

I jos nesto, daj izlaz ovoga:

# hwclock --show; date

[ Elza @ 30.10.2009. 08:16 ] @
Evo izlaza komandi s najnovijim paketima:

[root@ ~]# ntpq -p
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
mirror.be.gbxs. .INIT. 16 u - 64 0 0.000 0.000 4000.00
213-133-98-226. .INIT. 16 u - 64 0 0.000 0.000 4000.00
bock133.dotsour .INIT. 16 u - 64 0 0.000 0.000 4000.00
LOCAL(0) LOCAL(0) 10 l 55 64 1 0.000 0.000 0.001

[root@ ~]# hwclock --show
Pet 30 Lis 2009 10:28:40 -0.032818 seconds

[root@Nadzor ~]# date
Pet Lis 30 09:29:07 CET 2009

A sad je trenutno 9:16 sati po stvarnom vremenu
[ Jbyn4e @ 30.10.2009. 10:33 ] @
A ima li ti taj racunar vezu sa internetom uopste? Opet imas isti jitter.

I jos nesto, citaj malo sta ti se pise. Nisam trazio:

# hwclock --show
# date


# hwclock --show; date


# hwclock --show; date
Fri Oct 30 11:32:46 2009 -0.410160 seconds
Fri Oct 30 11:32:46 CET 2009

[ Elza @ 30.10.2009. 10:37 ] @

[root@Nadzor var]# hwclock --show; date
Pet 30 Lis 2009 12:50:17 -0.681019 seconds
Pet Lis 30 11:50:17 CET 2009

A sad je stvarno vrijeme 11:37

Računalo ima vezu s netom, jer mogu ići sa elinks po netu.
[ Jbyn4e @ 30.10.2009. 21:43 ] @
To sto mozes ici po netu elinks-om (ma sta to bilo), ne znaci da imas vezu sa ntp serverima (udp port 123). Hajde da probamo nekoliko pristupa:
1) Da li postoji neki firewall koji mozda blokira pristup?
2) probaj dasa strojeva koji rade iskopiras /etc/ntp.conf pa da pokrenes ntpdate
3) daj nam izlaz komande
date; ntpdate st.ntp.carnet.hr;date

da vidimo menja li se ista i sta tacno ispisuje.
Prikaci nam ceo /etc/ntp.conf, ceo /etc/sysconfig/clock i ako ima nesto u /var/log/messages sto ima veze sa ntp kopiraj ovamo.

[ Elza @ 05.11.2009. 07:29 ] @
[root@Nadzor cron.daily]# date; ntpdate st.ntp.carnet.hr;date
Čet Stu 5 08:41:38 CET 2009
Čet Stu 5 08:41:38 CET 2009

more /etc/ntp.conf
# Permit time synchronization with our time source, but do not
# permit the source to query or modify the service on this system.

restrict default nomodify notrap noquery

# Permit all access over the loopback interface. This could
# be tightened as well, but to do so would effect some of
# the administrative functions.

# -- CLIENT NETWORK -------
# Permit systems on this network to synchronize with this
# time service. Do not permit those systems to modify the
# configuration of this service. Also, do not use those
# systems as peers for synchronization.
# restrict mask nomodify notrap

# Use public servers from the pool.ntp.org project.
# Please consider joining the pool (http://www.pool.ntp.org/join.html).
server 0.rhel.pool.ntp.org
server 1.rhel.pool.ntp.org
server 2.rhel.pool.ntp.org

#multicastclient # listen on default
# restrict mask nomodify notrap
# restrict mask nomodify notrap

# Undisciplined Local Clock. This is a fake driver intended for backup
# and when no outside source of synchronized time is available. The
# default stratum is usually 3, but in this case we elect to use stratum
# 0. Since the server line does not have the prefer keyword, this driver
# is never used for synchronization, unless no other other
# synchronization source is available. In case the local host is
# controlled by some external source, such as an external oscillator or
# another protocol, the prefer keyword would cause the local host to
# disregard all other synchronization sources, unless the kernel
# modifications are in use and declare an unsynchronized condition.
server # local clock
fudge stratum 10

# Drift file. Put this in a directory which the daemon can write to.
# No symbolic links allowed, either, since the daemon updates the file
# by creating a temporary in the same directory and then rename()'ing
# it to the file.
driftfile /var/lib/ntp/drift
broadcastdelay 0.008

# Keys file. If you want to diddle your server at run time, make a
# keys file (mode 600 for sure) and define the key number to be
# used for making requests.
# systems might be able to reset your clock at will. Note also that
# ntpd is started with a -A flag, disabling authentication, that
# will have to be removed as well.
keys /etc/ntp/keys

more /etc/sysconfig/clock

U /var/log/message za ntp imam

Oct 30 09:26:59 Nadzor ntpd[11779]: ntpd [email protected] Wed Apr 23 07:36:42 EDT 2008 (1)
Oct 30 09:26:59 Nadzor kernel: audit(1256891219.051:0): avc: denied { sys_resource } for pid=11779 exe=/usr/sbin/ntpd capability=24 scontext=root:system_r:ntpd_t tcontext=root:system_r:ntpd_t tclass=capability
Oct 30 09:26:59 Nadzor ntpd[11779]: Cannot set RLIMIT_MEMLOCK: Operation not permitted
Oct 30 09:26:59 Nadzor ntpd: ntpd pokretanje succeeded
Oct 30 09:27:00 Nadzor ntpd[11779]: precision = 1.000 usec
Oct 30 09:27:00 Nadzor ntpd[11779]: Listening on interface wildcard,
Oct 30 09:27:00 Nadzor ntpd[11779]: Listening on interface wildcard, ::#123
Oct 30 09:27:00 Nadzor ntpd[11779]: Listening on interface lo,
Oct 30 09:27:00 Nadzor ntpd[11779]: Listening on interface eth0,
Oct 30 09:27:00 Nadzor ntpd[11779]: kernel time sync status 0040
Oct 30 09:27:00 Nadzor ntpd[11779]: frequency initialized 0.000 PPM from /var/lib/ntp/drift
Oct 30 09:30:18 Nadzor ntpd[11779]: synchronized to LOCAL(0), stratum 10
Oct 30 09:30:18 Nadzor ntpd[11779]: kernel time sync disabled 0041
Oct 30 09:31:24 Nadzor ntpd[11779]: kernel time sync enabled 0001
[ Jbyn4e @ 05.11.2009. 10:05 ] @
Greske koje se javljaju su posledica SELINUX-a koji ti je ukljucen (barem tako kazu na netu) i trebalo bi malo da potrazis na tu temu.
Neki su koliko vidim pokusali:

# restorecon -R -v /etc

i nakon reboot-a im je radilo kako treba. Pokusaj, nista ne kosta ;)

Ili drugi nacin testiranja, iskljuci SELINUX (ma gde se tona rhel-u iskljucivalo) pa probaj da li onda radi.

Napomena: ntpdate ne bi trebalo da moze da se koristi dok radi ntpd.

U svakom slucaju, ne znam dovoljno o selinux-u, da bih ti pomogao dalje, samo cu ti dati jedan od linkova koji sam pronasao:

[ Elza @ 05.11.2009. 12:53 ] @
Sve to uradila, pokrenula

restorecon -R -v /etc

i restartala stroj,

isključila selinux, sad kaže kad pokrenem sestatus da je disabled.

Ali kad pokrenem

/usr/sbin/ntpdate zg1.ntp.carnet.hr
ntpdate[3683]: no server suitable for synchronization found

a izlaz komande

[root@Nadzor cron.daily]# date; ntpdate st.ntp.carnet.hr;date
Čet Stu 5 14:07:46 CET 2009
5 Nov 14:07:51 ntpdate[4922]: no server suitable for synchronization found
Čet Stu 5 14:07:51 CET 2009

opet isto..

sad mi neće da radi dakle ntpdate (oboren je ntpd) moram tražit za ovu grešku no server suitable for synchronization found
[ Elza @ 09.11.2009. 14:28 ] @
Hm.. znači sad npr. ne prolazi ni ping

ping st.ntp.carnet.hr

Znači li to da je problem u firewall-u s ovim serverom. Inače mogu otvarati stranice na internetu...
[ Elza @ 16.11.2009. 19:55 ] @
Samo da javim, problem riješen, i to tako da je otklonjen problem s firewallom...

Hvala svima na odgovorima!
[ Jbyn4e @ 16.11.2009. 23:02 ] @
Pa lepo ja rekoh jos 01.10 u
da nemas pristup serverima za sinhronizaciju... ali nece Elizabeta da me slusa...
I kasnije sam pitao i za firewall-ove...
Eh... nije trebalo ni mesec i po da ustanovimo to isto.