[ virtualVoid @ 05.12.2009. 21:04 ] @
Aplikacija koju razvijam ima dosta loginova za testiranje koje sam zapamtio preko firefoxa radi brzine logiranja.
Medjutim, web server ugradjen u asp.net-u uvijek starta pod drugacijim portom (npr. http://localhost:55651/administrator/Default.aspx) tako da svi upamceni loginovi vise ne vrijede jer ovu promjenu porta firefox tumaci kao drugu web stranicu.
Postoji li nacin da natjeram asp.net da svoj web server uvijek pokrece pod istim portom, npr 55666?
[ maksvel @ 05.12.2009. 21:09 ] @
To specify a port for the ASP.NET Development Server

1. In Solution Explorer, click the name of the application.
2. In the Properties pane, click the down-arrow beside Use dynamic ports and select False from the dropdown list.
This will enable editing of the Port number property.
3.In the Properties pane, click the text box beside Port number and type in a port number.
4. Click outside of the Properties pane. This saves the property settings.

Each time you run a file-system Web site within Visual Web Developer, the ASP.NET Development Server will listen on the specified port.

[ virtualVoid @ 05.12.2009. 21:56 ] @
hvala mnogo! :)
[ virtualVoid @ 06.12.2009. 08:21 ] @
Za one sa VS 2208, postupak je jos laksi.
Desni klik na projekt pa zatim idite na Properties -> Web te u dijelu
Servers/Use Visual Studio Development Server checkirajte opciju
'Specific port'
