[ lucrezia @ 18.12.2009. 12:44 ] @
Potrebno mi je nekoliko stihova iz Odiseje:

U pitanju je četvrto pevanje, ali nisam sigurna za broj stiha. Imam engleski izvor, u njemu su to stihovi 83-85.

Pasus počinje ovim rečima:

"So as he said these words, light-haired Menelaos was hearing;
Raising his voice he spoke, and in these winged words he addressed them:
Dear youths, none among mortals with Zeus could ever be rival:

First I wandered to Cyprus, Phoenicia, and to the Egiptians,
Reached Ethiopians too and Sidonian folk and Eremboi,
Libya too...

Potrebni su mi stihovi u kurzivu.

Unapred hvala!