[ BackoSoft @ 15.02.2010. 11:42 ] @
imam problem sa kodom kod prevljenja swf-a iz .fla ali swf radi samo sto mu neradi full screen i nece da mi posalje postu.Dakle gdje je ovo greska u kodu.

function resizeSite(textObj, buttonObjSeand, buttonObjClear, closeObjSeand, closeObjClear)
    var _loc1 = {};
    closeObjSeand._visible = false;
    closeObjClear._visible = false;
    titleTextInfo = "Exit full-screen mode (Esc) to enter text";
    titleTextButton = "Exit full-screen mode (Esc) to send the form";
    _loc1.onFullScreen = function (isFullscreen)
        if (isFullscreen)
            textObj.htmlText = titleTextInfo;
            buttonObj.useHandCursor = false;
            closeObjSeand._visible = true;
            closeObjSeand._x = buttonObjSeand._x;
            closeObjSeand._y = buttonObjSeand._y;
            closeObjSeand._width = buttonObjSeand._width + 5;
            closeObjSeand._height = buttonObjSeand._height + 5;
            closeObjClear._visible = true;
            closeObjClear._x = buttonObjClear._x;
            closeObjClear._y = buttonObjClear._y;
            closeObjClear._width = buttonObjClear._width + 5;
            closeObjClear._height = buttonObjClear._height + 5;
            closeObjClear.onRelease = function ()
                textObj.htmlText = titleTextButton;
            closeObjSeand.onRelease = function ()
                textObj.htmlText = titleTextButton;
            closeObjSeand.useHandCursor = true;
            textObj.htmlText = " ";
            closeObjSeand._visible = false;
            closeObjClear._visible = false;
        } // end else if
    if (Stage.displayState == "fullScreen")
        textObj.htmlText = titleTextInfo;
        buttonObj.useHandCursor = false;
        closeObjSeand._visible = true;
        closeObjSeand._x = buttonObjSeand._x;
        closeObjSeand._y = buttonObjSeand._y;
        closeObjSeand._width = buttonObjSeand._width + 5;
        closeObjSeand._height = buttonObjSeand._height + 5;
        closeObjClear._visible = true;
        closeObjClear._x = buttonObjClear._x;
        closeObjClear._y = buttonObjClear._y;
        closeObjClear._width = buttonObjClear._width + 5;
        closeObjClear._height = buttonObjClear._height + 5;
        closeObjClear.onRelease = function ()
            textObj.htmlText = titleTextButton;
        closeObjSeand.onRelease = function ()
            textObj.htmlText = titleTextButton;
    } // end if
} // End of the function


_root.btn_mc.onRelease = function ()
    if (Stage.displayState == "normal")
        Stage.displayState = "fullScreen";
        Stage.displayState = "normal";
    } // end else if
_root.btn_mc.onRollOver = function ()
_root.btn_mc.onRollOut = _root.btn_mc.onReleaseOutside = function ()
var listener = {};
listener.onFullScreen = function (isFullscreen)
    if (isFullscreen)
        trace ("entered full-screen mode");
        trace ("exited full-screen mode");
    } // end else if

Dakle sta bih trebao uraditi da ovo proradi.
[ milantrax2005 @ 15.02.2010. 16:28 ] @
Umesto ovog Stage.displayState = "fullScreen"; koristi ovo Stage["displayState"] = "fullScreen";

Gde je ovde koda za 'postu'?
[ BackoSoft @ 15.02.2010. 22:12 ] @
Eh sada imam ovde problem jos u ove dve linije koda.Sta da tu radim.

[ StarCraft @ 16.02.2010. 09:38 ] @
Jesi probao da trejsuješ trace(Stage.displayState) da vidiš koje su vrednosti?
[ BackoSoft @ 16.02.2010. 11:31 ] @
E brate rjesio sam to sa srednjim zagradama :-)

OK Super radi hvala svima na pomoći.
