[ AMD guy @ 29.03.2010. 14:08 ] @

The Pwn2Own competition in Vancouver is a yearly demonstration of the software industry's utter inability to keep its products safe from determined hackers. This year, researchers cracked Firefox, Internet Explorer 8, and Safari in minutes, winning $10,000 each, bragging rights and the hardware those applications were running on.

But more notable is the one survivor of the competition's browser category: Google's Chrome.

For the second year in a row, Chrome has left the Pwn2Own competition unscathed even as all of its competitors have been compromised. And that's not just because it has small market share (5.6% according to Net Applications) Apple's Safari's market share is actually smaller, around 4.5%, and yet has fallen every year at Pwn2Own....
[ Tyler Durden @ 29.03.2010. 14:22 ] @
Moje pitanje - da li su ovi ostali TOLIKE rupetine ili je Chrome izuzetno dobro napisan sa strane sigurnosti?
[ AMD guy @ 29.03.2010. 14:27 ] @

Koliko ja razumem svaki tab je novi proces.
[ combuster @ 29.03.2010. 14:35 ] @
Ili su hax0ri dobili po 50K$ od google-a :D
[ EArthquake @ 29.03.2010. 19:48 ] @
heh , nije ni cudo s obzirom ko je radio na sigurnosti chrome-a :)

pazite samo ovu ekipu :

Michal Zalewski http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx - jedan od najkreativnijih hakera danas mogu slobodno reci

skylined http://skypher.com/ - ovaj je razbijao Internet explorer 1000 puta ...

i na kraju
Georgi Guninski http://www.guninski.com/ - ziva legenda

i jos gomila drugih ...
[ jorganwd @ 30.03.2010. 14:39 ] @
AMD guy: "Koliko ja razumem svaki tab je novi proces."

Upravo tako. Na taj nacin imas perimiter u memoriji, gdje se izbjegava konflikt threadova. Ovako imas svaki proces zasebno, ne uticu jedan na drugog direktno, a dobro je za stabilnost samog browsera.