[ pl4stik @ 03.07.2010. 11:58 ] @
Za one kojima je ovo falilo mnoooooogoo i one kojima nije tolko ScottGu present SQL CE web friendly



No Database Installation Required

SQL CE does not require you to run a setup or install a database server in order to use it. You can now simply copy the SQL CE binaries into the \bin directory of your ASP.NET application, and then your web application can run and use it as a database engine. No setup or extra security permissions are required for it to run. You do not need to have an administrator account on the machine. It just works.

Applications you build can redistribute SQL CE as part of them. Just copy your web application onto any server and it will work.
[ Shadowed @ 03.07.2010. 12:53 ] @
Ahaha, hosting provider-i su garant zapenili :) Nece me cuditi da ce uvesti zabranu na koriscenje istog.
Inace, odlicna stvar. Nije receno da li moze da se koristi i sa desktop aplikacijama ali ne vidim zasto ne bi.
[ pl4stik @ 03.07.2010. 14:59 ] @
Ne vidim ni jedan razlog zasto bi ovako nesto zabranili ali sam spreman da naucim... Inace, za client development SqlServerExpress i SQL CE koji se besplatno distribuiraju tu odavno rade db radnje. Ono sto je debelo nedostajalo je bio ovakav jedan file db sa kojim bi VSExpress komunicirao kao core komponentom. Bas bih voleo da cujem razloge zasto onemoguciti nesto sto ne treba da se omogucava.
[ branimir.ts @ 28.08.2010. 14:19 ] @
pl4stik, kakva su iskusta sa sql CE 4? Ja ovo vidim kao sjajnu opciju za team development :) Ostaje nejasno kako ce se vrsiti migracija na sql database server.
[ pl4stik @ 28.08.2010. 20:21 ] @
Pa zamena za Access samo besplatna i sa SQLCE4 radi EF, u principu (po meni) odlicna stvar.
Sto se migracije tice sve je to "spontano i automatski"

Easy Migration to SQL Server

SQL CE is an embedded database – which makes it ideal for development and light-usage scenarios. For high-volume sites and applications you’ll probably want to migrate it to use SQL Server Express (which is free), SQL Server or SQL Azure. These servers enable much better scalability, more development features (including features like Stored Procedures – which aren’t supported with SQL CE), as well as more advanced data management capabilities.

We’ll ship migration tools that enable you to optionally take SQL CE databases and easily upgrade them to use SQL Server Express, SQL Server, or SQL Azure. You will not need to change your code when upgrading a SQL CE database to SQL Server or SQL Azure. Our goal is to enable you to be able to simply change the database connection string in your web.config file and have your application just work.
[ branimir.ts @ 28.08.2010. 20:35 ] @
"We’ll ship migration tools" je siroki pojam - trebalo bi Scotu postaviti pitanje kada ce se to desiti :)