[ yellow pinky @ 18.07.2010. 11:36 ] @
Cisco Certified Network Associate in Service Provider Operations (CCNA SP Operations) validates basic knowledge and skills (of a Tier I support engineer) in a prescriptive troubleshooting environment within carrier class IP NGN core network infrastructure. CCNA SP Operations curriculum includes incident (event), fault, configuration, change, and performance management procedures, along with NMS tools and protocols.

Ispiti potrebni za sticanje zvanja

640-822 ICND1 Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 1


640-760 SSPO Supporting Cisco Service Provider IP NGN Operations

ili ukoliko već posedujete validan CCNA sertifikat potrebno je položiti samo

640-760 SSPO Supporting Cisco Service Provider IP NGN Operations.

Teme koje bi trebale biti prisutne na ispitu (mada ce vremenom sigurno sigurno doći do nekih izmena):

Perform the network incident management process

* Describe how a trouble ticket processes through the network operations center (NOC)
* Identify key network incident metrics in a NOC incident report
* Apply an incident management process
* Perform incident management using basic tools and documentation
* Close an incident ticket
* Prioritize incident tickets according to standards
* Escalate an incident ticket according to typical criteria
* Create an RFC to implement a fix or workaround for an incident

Apply the problem management process

* Apply the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) problem management process to the task of managing networks
* Distinguish between incident management and problem management, and determine the interactions that occur between them

Perform first-level network monitoring and troubleshooting

* Use network management tools to monitor network status
* Interpret device specific alarms and determine the severity of the alarm
* Initiate troubleshooting procedures based on received alarms and/or log messages
* Use network management tools to troubleshoot first-level network incidents
* Use syslog functions, severity levels, syslog traps, and buffering
* Use knowledge of IP fundamentals to determine the most likely cause of a network problem
* Determine the most probable cause of a problem from standard output and SNMP traps
* Utilize common structured troubleshooting approaches

Perform network configuration management

* Backup configurations across standard NOC architectures
* Interpret basic standard scripting commands used in automating network maintenance
* Interpret basic UNIX cron job commands used in automating network maintenance
* Use a network inventory management process

Implement network changes and change management

* Accurately document a network
* Utilize a network change implementation rollback
* Implement a network change based on change documentation
* Perform a network upgrade
* Identify upgrade or downgrade issues and recommend corrective actions
* Verify the usability and effectiveness of a network change

Apply the fundamental concepts of service level agreements (SLAs)

* Identify the unique characteristics of different SLAs
* Inform customers about SLA issues
* Monitor service levels against the requirements of an SLA

Describe basic IP technology in the Service Provider NOC

* Describe the purpose and components of an IPv4 address
* Describe the purpose of and components of IOS XR
* Use IOS XR to perform basic router functions
* Compare and contrast IPv4 to IPv6 addresses

Sertifikat koji po prvi put uvodi ITIL pristup resavanju problema i uglavnom namenjen NOC inženjerima.
Cena ispita 640-760 SSPO bi po nekim najavama iznosila izmedju 125 do 150 američkih dolara.
Ispit bi trebao biti dostupan za polaganje u toku Jula meseca (mada još uvek nije izašla knjiga za pripremu istog).
[ Branko Santo @ 18.07.2010. 11:59 ] @
Vrlo vrlo interesantno, mislim da je korak u pravom smeru i da za NOC neko sa ovim sertifikatom moze biti mnogo koristan i brze poceti da radi.
[ neur0 @ 18.07.2010. 15:39 ] @
Da li neko zna da li bi polaganje ovog ispita za nekog ko ima CCNA, produzilo (resetovalo) vreme trajanja CCNA sertifiikata ?
Pretpostavljam da bi polaganjem ovog ispita zapoceo novi (trogodisnji?) ciklus trajanja CCNA-SOP sertifikata, mada se ovo mozda i ne odnosi na one koji bi radili samo upgrade...
[ Branko Santo @ 18.07.2010. 17:43 ] @
Racunam da bi overio CCNA na jos 3 mora da pise negde :)
[ yellow pinky @ 18.07.2010. 20:52 ] @
Ako ćemo pravo ovaj CCNA SP ispit je sačinjen od 1/2 CCNA R&S ispita + SP deo tako da postoji verovatnoca da ne bude priznat kao metoda resertifikacije. Stvar je još uvek u početnoj fazi tako da se još uvek nezna šta i kako.
Mada kako materijal za pripremu CCNA SP ispita neće skoro izaći (možda tek krajem godine) bolja metoda (ukoliko je stvar hitna) je polaganje nekog ispita iz profesionalnog dela (CCNP R&S, CCVP ...). To je možda i najjeftinija varijanta.
[ Branko Santo @ 19.07.2010. 08:02 ] @
Meni nesto u glavi kao da je dovoljno da se polozi i ICND 1 da obnovis CCNA ali ne znam otkud mi to.

Slazem se da bi odlazak na routing ili switching bilo bolje resenje.
[ yellow pinky @ 30.09.2010. 21:20 ] @
Nešto gledao po Cisco sajtu i nađem oko resertifikacije.
ICND1 se polaže za obnavljanje CCENT sertifikata. ICND2 se polaže za obnovu CCNA R&S i CCDA sertifikata.
Da bi obnovio CCNA specijalistički (voice, security i wireless) mora se položiti bilo koji CCNA specijalistički ili , naravno , CCNP ili CCIE . Verovatno će i CCNA SP Operations (kada zaživi , tj kada literatura postane dostupna) ući u ispite kojima će moći da se obnovi CCNA R&S.

Da bi se obnovio CCNA R&S mora se položiti jedan od ovih ispit :

"CCNA Validnost :3 years

Before the certification expiration date:

* Pass the current ICND2 Exam
* Pass the current CCNA Exam
* Pass any current CCNA Concentration Exam (wireless, security, voice)
* Pass the current CCDA Exam
* Pass any current 642 - XXX Professional Level Exam
* Pass any current Cisco Specialist Exam (excluding Sales Specialist Exams)
* Pass any current CCIE Written Exam
* Pass any current CCIE Lab Exam
* Pass the current CCDE Written Exam
* Pass the current CCDE Practical Exam
* Pass the Architect Interview AND the Architect Board Review. "

Detaljnije o tome koji se ispiti polažu razvrstano po smerovima možete videti na sledećem linku :


Toliko od mene .