[ Ivan Dimkovic @ 04.08.2010. 22:13 ] @

Open sourcers have scored a major victory in a US court over violation of GPL.

The Software Freedom Conservancy has secured $90,000 in damages for willful infringement of GPLv2, plus nearly $50,000 in costs from Westinghouse Digital Electronics over its illegal distribution of the Unix utility BusyBox. The company has also been ordered to stop shipping product loaded with BusyBox.

It's the first time a US court has awarded an injunction ordering a GPL violator to permanently stop distribution of out-of-compliance GPL'd software.


Westinghouse is currently in General Assignment, an alternative to bankruptcy under California state law, and declined to defend itself. That means SFC and BusyBox's creator must now apply to Westinghouse's administrators as creditors in order to receive payment — and probably to get their HDTV kit.

Velika pobeda za GPL, moglo bi se reci.

Doduse, Westinghouse se i nije branio - ali svejedno, pretpostavljam da ce ekipa biti zadovoljna LCD televizorima kao kompenzacijom ;-)
[ Horvat @ 04.08.2010. 22:59 ] @
a zbog cega su ih tuzili?
wh nije stavio "licence" datoteku na hard disk tog uredjaja ili sta? (odakle ce im isplatiti kad samo sto nisu proglasili bankrot ;) )
[ mmix @ 05.08.2010. 07:44 ] @
Ma vazno da su pobedili Ako premlatis coveka na stakama ipak si nekog premlatio