[ Suns @ 07.08.2010. 15:26 ] @
Malopre sam instalirao Chromium i upravo sam na Google-ovom sajtu instaliram pluginove i extenzije, i ne mogu da verujem da ne postoji plugin za Mail Notifier!? Mislim WTF postoji samo Gmail notifier!? :/
[ srdjee @ 10.08.2010. 12:44 ] @
Kako nema?

MuNo :
[ Suns @ 12.08.2010. 09:55 ] @
E živ bio.... ja sam leba mi 2x prošao sve extenzije, verovatno je nisam primetio zbog ovog šlogiranog imena
[ Joker @ 12.08.2010. 11:02 ] @
Da li postoji Gmail notifier ali za dva naloga ?
[ Aleksandar Ružičić @ 13.08.2010. 09:26 ] @

MuNo checks your webmail accounts and notifies the number of unread emails.

MuNo is WebMail Notifier(http://webmailnotifier.mozdev.org) for Chrome.
Many features in Firefox version are not implemented yet.

- mail notification (Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL)
- support userscript for other webmails
- support multiple Google Accounts
- account switching
- auto login
- ....... and so on

To use multiple Google Accounts,

You should turn on multiple sign-in here.
And set this to the default Gmail account in MuNo.
[ Joker @ 13.08.2010. 10:42 ] @
Hvala, moja greška, gledao sam samo gmail notifier.