[ bigvlada @ 22.08.2010. 16:30 ] @
IKEA Dreams up the Year 2040's Kitchen Equipment

IKEA might be known for soulless furniture basics, but in the year 2040 they're planning on selling mood-adjusting kitchenware, and fridges that project celebrity chefs' cooking tutorials. In short, it doesn't sound all that far-fetched.

The "SKARP" concept as it's been dubbed, was designed after close to 2,000 people were surveyed on what they expect kitchens to look like in 2040. I'm not so sure about their idea that this kitchen will have sixth-generation iPads in every cabinet door, but the 3D food printing is certainly something we know is on its way.

These numbers correlate to the objects in the picture above—

1.) Food is grown on this shelf without soil.
2.) 3D food printer
3.) Fridge, with an interactive 3D screen.
4.) Multi-touch tap.
5.) Self-cleaning surfaces.
6.) This tool displays nutritional info of ingredients
7.) Remote-controlled cooker
8.) Retractable shelves
9.) Height-adjustable cabinets
10.) Energy monitor
11.) Genetically-engineered food.
12.) Roll-out chopping boards and draws.

Really, 2040? Most of this technology is already available, or at the very least, entirely possible. Nonetheless, I'd give up eating cheese for a kitchen that tidy and organized.

Send an email to Kat Hannaford, the author of this post, at [email protected].

Izvor: Gizmodo

Nisam siguran koliko mi se stavka 11 dopada, ali frižider deluje mnogo realnije od onog ljigavog. A štampanje hrane je još jedan korak ka star trek kuhinji.

ps. morate imati iskustvo sa pametnim telefonima da bi koristili slavinu, verovatno je topla dva dodira sa desne strane a hladna voda dva dodira sa leve. Jačina mlaza bi se verovatno kontrolisala kružnim pokretima u smeru/suprotno od smera kazaljke na satu.
[ Horvat @ 13.09.2010. 14:40 ] @
koji je smisao ovakve "kuhinje"?

i kako smo to na dobrom putu ka 3d stampanju hrane?

sta fali danasnjim slavinama?
[ night-shift @ 13.09.2010. 15:12 ] @
Nekoliko stotina godina ranije: "Šta fali današnjim potocima?".
[ zzzz @ 13.09.2010. 17:28 ] @
Ne fali im ništa.Svi uživamo kad spremamo nešto u prirodi,na ražnju ili pod sačem,a piće hladimo u potoku.Ali nemamo vremena jer moramo
raditi da zaradimo za kupovinu frižidera,mikrovalne,cepter suđa itd.
[ Horvat @ 13.09.2010. 21:34 ] @
night-shift: Nekoliko stotina godina ranije: "Šta fali današnjim potocima?".

topla voda npr, da sipas koliko jakim pritiskom zelis

a to sve mozes danas, i to sa jednom (odnosno 2) rucice! a ne da "vracas" iznad slavine ne bi li slavina pustila vodu (a onda nestane struje...)