[ mserifov @ 28.10.2010. 22:43 ] @
http://www.videocorner.tv/vide...2/live_flv/index.php?langue=en Evo link za live feed EDIT: Promenjen naziv teme! [Ovu poruku je menjao Miladinovic dana 29.10.2010. u 14:01 GMT+1] |
[ mserifov @ 28.10.2010. 22:43 ] @
[ cyBerManIA @ 28.10.2010. 23:19 ] @
Hvala puno na linku :)
[ Miladinovic @ 29.10.2010. 13:02 ] @
Citat: EUTELSAT STATEMENT on LOSS OF W3B SATELLITE Paris, 29 October 2010 Eutelsat Communications (Euronext Paris: ETL) announces the loss of the W3B satellite following an anomaly which was detected on the satellite’s propulsion subsystem after its launch by an Ariane 5 rocket. W3B was scheduled to be located at 16° East to replace Eutelsat’s EUROBIRD™ 16, W2M and SESAT 1 satellites. With the loss of W3B, the three satellites will now remain in full service at 16° East until the arrival of W3C, whose launch is on track for mid-2011. Eutelsat will also immediately initiate a new satellite programme, called W3D, for a planned launch in the first quarter of 2013. Michel de Rosen, CEO of Eutelsat Communications, commented: “The loss of W3B is a disappointment for Eutelsat and for our customers. We share it with our partners, in particular Thales Alenia Space and with the insurance community. Our attention is now focused on delivering the W3C satellite to 16° East in mid-2011 and on initiating a new programme to compensate for this loss.” Eutelsat is fully insured for the investment in W3B, which guarantees that the Group does not incur any direct financial loss. The non-availability of W3B does not change the financial guidance issued by the company on 30 July 2010. http://www.eutelsat.com/news/c...PR4810W3Bloss-post-launch.html Sve se ponavlja, kao i sa prethodnim Eutelsat W2M [ dekism84 @ 29.10.2010. 14:21 ] @
Dugo im je i trajao... a ja sinoc gledao lansiranje...
[ maksim-dorcol @ 29.10.2010. 14:23 ] @
Perte du satellite d'Eutelsat W3B lancé jeudi par Arianespace...... Izgubljen satelit koji je trebao biti na 16‚‚stepeni. A taman sam se ponadao.....evo bolji signal, više transpondera ,kad ono ni jedno ni drugo.Sad opet moramo da čekamo do 6-7 meseca iduće godine,lansiranje novog satelita, W3C...Uhh, samo da i taj ne zaluta negde u svemiru , onda nam ne gine čekanje do 2012-god.
[ mserifov @ 29.10.2010. 15:37 ] @
2012 je smak svijeta
[ veljko_svrljig @ 29.10.2010. 17:38 ] @
to je 21.12.2012 a ovo je sredinom godine...ja mislim da ce ga tad uspesno lansirati i da ce zbog toga doci do smak sveta..jel ce konacno uspeti da ga lansiraju!!!
[ Sjajko @ 29.10.2010. 19:42 ] @
Ovakav post nisam ocekivao. Neznam dal sam ljut ili besan. Nerve sam izgubio zbog tog satelita. Sve namestis za 2-3 min. a 16 nikako. Nisu hteli da plate Rusima budale !!! Daj da organizujemo neki protest na bilo koji nacin. [ mserifov @ 29.10.2010. 22:01 ] @
Nije Arianaspace kriv-a. I da je išlo sa Soyuzom ist stvar satelit nije dobar bio.
[ maksim-dorcol @ 29.10.2010. 22:59 ] @
Do greske je doslo u podsistemu za potiskivanje ,ostaje nam samo da cekamo sledece poletanje. A to bi trebalo biti Juni-Juli ,2011 god.
[ stipo130475 @ 31.10.2010. 20:57 ] @
A zašto ga ne nazovu Godot?
[ ludi_milojko @ 01.11.2010. 16:16 ] @
mozda se slucajno desi da odleti ka marsu!pa ako uskoro odemo tamo da imamo to!
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