[ [kick] @ 01.02.2004. 02:58 ] @
Odakle da download-ujem firmware 4.13 za Nokia 3650? i koji je program potreban za flash-ovanje? |
[ [kick] @ 01.02.2004. 02:58 ] @
[ legija @ 01.02.2004. 20:52 ] @
Treba ti neki od boksova, da ga flesas, pretpostavljam da nema nijedan koji to moze. Pronadji nekog ko ima tornado/matrix/griffin, plati, i skrati sebi muke.
[ milo dete @ 06.02.2004. 08:16 ] @
Hoćeš reći da mi ništa ne znači (govorim za 3510i) što imam matrix flasher, phoenix firmware (RH-9), kabel i flasher za DCT3 (LPT)mobitele? Ako je to istina, može li se negdje pronaći shema nekog od tih boxova, i pojašnjenje zašto su sad oni potrebni?
Thanx unapred [ legija @ 06.02.2004. 22:25 ] @
Ja sam pogresio, trebalo je pisati "predpostavljam da nemaS "
Ako imas Matrix komotono mozes flesati bilo koji nokiamodel. [ Mio_1 @ 25.02.2004. 09:57 ] @
Gde se i kako moze naci informaciji o verziji softvera
na telefonu?? Jel postoji neka kombinacija key-inputa da bi se doslo do IMEI broja i sl, ili je negde zakopana po menijima? Vrlo Zahvalan! [ Bojan Basic @ 25.02.2004. 11:50 ] @
IMEI - *#06# na svim telefonima.
Verzija softvera - *#0000# na Nokia telefonima [ -V-O-Y-A-G-E-R- @ 22.03.2004. 07:28 ] @
Sta je novo u 4.13?
[ DrRule @ 24.03.2004. 14:02 ] @
Ja imam N3650 sa 4.13 verzijom pa ne vidim neke bitne razlike
u telefonima koje imaju moji prijatelji ... sad ... [ bgd @ 19.04.2004. 08:39 ] @
ima razlike: Call and network management: GPRS over Bluetooth more stable on long connections (>2hrs) Browser: No longer sends UAProf twice after MIDlet-Install-Notify (part of MIDlet download) Byte-order-mark (BOM) used to detect content encoding in browser WTLS auto-accept anonymous connection now working fully (no longer asks user to accept connection) Cookie handling in browser improved Browser CSS, applied style changed from “screen” to “handheld” WAP post now sends input text as 16bit rather than 8bit Browser termination with “App. closed WSL_0S_Thread_1” fixed SIM: SIM ATK control of ALS functioning correctly CPHS CSP (Manual PLMN selection) now implemented Voicemail flag now written to SIM record 6F11 Messaging: MMS editor: attaching objects no longer causes intermittent application termination Replacement SMS arriving while original being viewed no longer causes application termination Class 0 SMS with voicemail waiting indication flag handled correctly Java interactions with messaging centre when Ram is low no longer lead to abnormal application termination Camera contrast and colour settings improved Memory corruption on start-up fixed (caused “contact service” lockout) MMC card no longer becomes unusable after removing password from locked card MMC card unlock requires share common text regardless of query originator Nokia Wallpaper images (*.nwp) can now be seen in the image gallery Operator list updated [ bgd @ 19.04.2004. 08:39 ] @
ima razlike: Verz. 4.13 Call and network management: GPRS over Bluetooth more stable on long connections (>2hrs) Browser: No longer sends UAProf twice after MIDlet-Install-Notify (part of MIDlet download) Byte-order-mark (BOM) used to detect content encoding in browser WTLS auto-accept anonymous connection now working fully (no longer asks user to accept connection) Cookie handling in browser improved Browser CSS, applied style changed from “screen” to “handheld” WAP post now sends input text as 16bit rather than 8bit Browser termination with “App. closed WSL_0S_Thread_1” fixed SIM: SIM ATK control of ALS functioning correctly CPHS CSP (Manual PLMN selection) now implemented Voicemail flag now written to SIM record 6F11 Messaging: MMS editor: attaching objects no longer causes intermittent application termination Replacement SMS arriving while original being viewed no longer causes application termination Class 0 SMS with voicemail waiting indication flag handled correctly Java interactions with messaging centre when Ram is low no longer lead to abnormal application termination Camera contrast and colour settings improved Memory corruption on start-up fixed (caused “contact service” lockout) MMC card no longer becomes unusable after removing password from locked card MMC card unlock requires share common text regardless of query originator Nokia Wallpaper images (*.nwp) can now be seen in the image gallery Operator list updated [ msav @ 16.06.2004. 12:36 ] @
Gde u Beogradu flash–ovati software na 4.13 ?
[ RED @ 16.06.2004. 17:06 ] @
par pitanja..._
u servisu mi nude da ubacim u moj 3650 softver od 3660 ... dali je to dobar potez ili ne? dali moze doci do nekih komplikacija sa tel..? takodje sam cuo da na 3650 dosta puca softver usled enormnog koriscenja gprs , aplikacija...itd.. dali je to tacno?? pozdrav [ Mio_1 @ 17.06.2004. 08:36 ] @
Koliko ti traze za taj update?
Mislim da je to skroz ok, posto 3660 ima samo vise boja i drugaciju tastaturu, i NISTA VISE, za 100 evra vise to dobijes! Elem, ja sam nedavno ubacio 4.13 i za sada nikakvog poboljsanja nisam video. Jos uvek mi ne radi MMS. I restartuje se prilikom dugog surfovanja na GPRS-u. Najveca provala je da su mi aplikacije koje sam instalirao na karticu, ostale i posle promene firmware, i to tako da se nista ne pojavljjuje u File Manager aplikaciji, kao da nista nema insstalirano. Bas z*****na situacija do kraja! [ RED @ 19.06.2004. 15:04 ] @
traze mi 600 din... neko ne znam kako ce tel posle ovog raditi , mozda ce da puca softverski itd......Dali neko ima iskustva sa ovim???
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