[ Ivan Dimkovic @ 03.01.2011. 16:00 ] @


Hey, you -- it's January 3rd. You know, the day you're supposed to return to work / school / life. And the day you're supposed to catch a flight you've had booked for three months. And probably a day that you're supposed to accomplish lots of other tasks. Unfortunately for you, you actually believed that your iPhone alarm would fix itself when today rolled around, but based on hordes of complaints seen on Twitter and Facebook, said fix is still hibernating. And thus, you're still sleeping. Even here at Engadget HQ, we've seen iPhone 4 handsets not wake us as promised (on non-recurring alarms), so who knows when Apple will step up to the plate and address the issue. In the meantime, go ahead and set up a recurring alarm while gently crossing your fingers and toes. Or, you know, buy a battery-powered alarm clock off of your grandmother.

"World most advanced mobile operating system" po N-ti put nije u stanju da aktivira alarm :-)

Ocekujemo skeletorovu novu RDF prezentaciju "One more thing... A WORKING ALARM!!! MAGICAL - IT WORKS >EVERY< DAY!"... mozda, ako bude dobre volje.

Jos malo truda oko kodiranja, i roughlydrafted ce moci da obznani da ce iPhone oterati u penziju babin budilnik na navijanje!
[ maksvel @ 03.01.2011. 16:14 ] @
"You could be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Either way I don't wanna wake up from you"
(Beyonce: Sweet dreams)
[ dejanet @ 03.01.2011. 16:18 ] @
Radna klasa, treba da se zamisli nad ovim, ostali its not critical issue..
[ mmix @ 03.01.2011. 17:02 ] @
Ma da bre, to je samo za ljude koji moraju da budu negde u tacno vreme elita moze da kasni
[ w3bl0rd @ 04.01.2011. 06:55 ] @
TO je ustvari feature, ko se želi nakon nove godine probuditi rano? Steva misli na vas i darovao vam je još nekoliko sati sna.
[ z@re @ 05.01.2011. 05:09 ] @
Ionako svi znaju da hipsteri nose veliki zidni sat oko vrata, a menadjerska elita se ni ne budi rano.
Tako da iPhone target marketu ni ne treba built-in alarm ;)