[ Symbian forever @ 15.02.2011. 08:37 ] @
Ah, the cheeky Linux devs at Oracle! While the world eagerly awaits the release of CentOS 6 and Scientific Linux 6, the two most popular free Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) clones, Oracle Corporation quietly releases Oracle Linux 6! This came late on Friday night California time, so there is no mention of the release (at the time of writing) in the company's usual press release channels and the only places this has been announced is the Oracle Linux blog (see the above link) and this mailing list post. Also, it is no longer called "Oracle Enterprise Linux", just "Oracle Linux". Meanwhile, the above blog post also claims that "Oracle Linux 6 is free to download, install and use," which effectively makes the distribution a free RHEL clone, with the shortest release delay from the upstream vendor. Naturally, given the traditional Linux users' distrust of large corporations in general and Oracle in particular, a large-scale migration from CentOS to Oracle is unlikely. Nevertheless, this is an interesting move and if you read the Oracle Linux blog, you will certainly notice that the company employs some highly-skilled and passionate Linux developers who seem to operate fairly independently of Oracle's corporate structures. So, if you are tired of waiting for CentOS 6, do give Oracle Linux 6 a try - chances are that you will be pleased with the product.

Izvor: Distrowatch.com

Oracle Linux 6 DVDs Now Available

By sergio.leunissen on February 11, 2011 2:23 PM

On Sunday 6 February 2011, Oracle Linux 6 was released on the Unbreakable Linux Network for customers with an Oracle Linux support subscription. Shortly after that, the Oracle Linux 6 RPMs were made available on our public yum server. Today we published the installation DVD images on edelivery.oracle.com/linux. Oracle Linux 6 is free to download, install and use. The full release notes are here, but similar to my recent post about Oracle Linux 5.6, I wanted to highlight a few items about this release.
Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel

As is the case with Oracle Linux 5.6, the default installed kernel on x86_64 platform in Oracle Linux 6 is the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel. If you haven't already, I highly recommend you watch the replay of this webcast by Chris Mason on the performance improvements made in this kernel.

# uname -r

The Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel is delivered via the package kernel-uek:

[root@localhost ~]# yum info kernel-uek
Installed Packages
Name : kernel-uek
Arch : x86_64
Version : 2.6.32
Release : 100.28.5.el6
Size : 84 M
Repo : installed
From repo : anaconda-OracleLinuxServer-201102031546.x86_64
Summary : The Linux kernel
URL : http://www.kernel.org/
License : GPLv2
Description: The kernel package contains the Linux kernel (vmlinuz), the core of
: any Linux operating system. The kernel handles the basic functions
: of the operating system: memory allocation, process allocation,
: device input and output, etc.

ext4 file system
The ext4 or fourth extended filesystem replaces ext3 as the default filesystem in Oracle Linux 6.

# mount
/dev/mapper/VolGroup-lv_root on / type ext4 (rw)
proc on /proc type proc (rw)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620)
tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,rootcontext="system_u:object_r:tmpfs_t:s0")
/dev/sda1 on /boot type ext4 (rw)
none on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type binfmt_misc (rw)

Red Hat compatible kernel

Oracle Linux 6 also includes a Red Hat compatible kernel built directly from RHEL source. It's already installed, so booting it is a matter of editing /etc/grub.conf

# rpm -qa | grep kernel-2.6.32

Oracle Linux 6 no longer includes a Red Hat compatible kernel with Oracle bug fixes. The only Red Hat compatible kernel included is the one built directly from RHEL source.

Yum-only access to Unbreakable Linux Network (ULN)

Oracle Linux 6 uses yum exclusively for access to Unbreakable Linux Network. To register your system with ULN, use the following command:

# uln_register

No Itanium Support

Oracle Linux 6 is not supported on the Itanium (ia64) platform.

Izvor:Oracle linux blog
[ Tyler Durden @ 15.02.2011. 09:33 ] @
Uf, kako ne volim Oracle :-)
[ nkrgovic @ 15.02.2011. 10:13 ] @
Je'l ja ovo dobro razumem? Nece postojati nacin da se radi bilo kakav update osim za registrovane korisnike?

Super sto moze da se proba - ali mi se cini da cemo ipak cekati CentOS za rad.....
[ tdjokic @ 15.02.2011. 10:23 ] @
Lepo, lepo, poceli su da se tuku oko Linuxa i komadica kolaca koji tamo moze da se dobije! Ponestalo para pa su sada i sicusne musterije zanimljive.

"Sta ce nam toliko Linux distribucija?" Mozda nama ne trebaju ali NJIMA trebaju. Odmah se izvinjavam hiljadama entuzijasta koji na Linux razvoju rade volonterski i bez nekih narocitih materijalni zahteva i koristi.
[ Body Bag @ 15.02.2011. 10:54 ] @
Inace kako stvari stoje, prvi community RHEL rebuild ce biti Scientific Linux
CentOS izgleda nece jos, koliko procitah prvo ce izbaciti 5.6 verziju pa tek onda 6

[ Stator @ 15.02.2011. 13:48 ] @
tdjokic: Lepo, lepo, poceli su da se tuku oko Linuxa i komadica kolaca koji tamo moze da se dobije! Ponestalo para pa su sada i sicusne musterije zanimljive.

"Sta ce nam toliko Linux distribucija?" Mozda nama ne trebaju ali NJIMA trebaju. Odmah se izvinjavam hiljadama entuzijasta koji na Linux razvoju rade volonterski i bez nekih narocitih materijalni zahteva i koristi.

Oracle to odavno radi, skinu sosrs izbace RH artwork i zamene rhn_register sa uln_register. I onda ga valjaju kao bundle sa njihovim bazama, cluster resenjima ili middleware-om.
Naravno kada natrcis na neki ozbiljniji problem pa trazis analizu coredump-a nekog strace-a i/ili nedaj boze hangalyzer-a, onda support pocne da im se pusi :)