[ combuster @ 08.04.2011. 11:08 ] @


A 75-year-old woman has been arrested in Georgia after she apparently cut a fibre-optic cable, severing internet services in Armenia, as well as parts of Georgia and Azerbaijan.

The Georgian Ministry of Interior announced that the woman was scavenging for copper and trying to steal the cables. The woman admitted severing the cables and she was released pending trial.

The fibre-optic cables are operated by the Georgian Railway Telecom company, which was rather baffled by the incident.

"I cannot understand how this lady managed to find and damage the cable," said a company representative.

E tako se to radi :D

Ovako nesto moze i kod nas da se desi, kada se jednom umore od ceprkanja zeleznice...
[ gigamg1 @ 08.04.2011. 11:15 ] @
e to je odlucnost u nameri da se ukrade!
Nema toliko pruge koliko ima sakupljaca (citaj - lopova)
[ maksvel @ 08.04.2011. 11:56 ] @
Hardverski DoS!
[ gigamg1 @ 08.04.2011. 12:14 ] @
aj da je bakar al de bas optiku....
[ combuster @ 08.04.2011. 13:04 ] @
Ja nemam net evo vec tri dana na telekom adsl-u - moguce da su bakice vec pocele da seckaju optiku i kod nas :D

Ping do gateway-a ima oko 45% packet loss-a, van gateway-a ne vidim nista zivo...