[ Ivan Dimkovic @ 21.05.2011. 00:54 ] @


These statements would seem to admit the obvious: that an app store is a store that sells apps. Apple, however, argues the opposite. "Apple denies that, based on their common meaning, the words 'app store' together denote a store for apps," the filing reads.


About what other possible meaning the words "app store" might have, the Cupertinian oracle is silent.

What's more, the filing contends: "Apple further denies that Amazon and Apple operated 'app stores'." The legal reasoning here appears to be pretzellian in the extreme: since an app store is not a store for apps, Apple's App Store and Amazon's Appstore are not app stores, but an App Store and an Appstore – and the Appstore is violating Apple's trademark on App Store.


Da nije Skeletor sipao liquid RDF u vodovode USA? Poklonili sudiji iPad 3? Mislim, nemoguce da mogu ovoliko da prave idiote od sebe :) Ili to, ili je ovo dokaz da advokati mogu da naplate troskove za tvrdnje da je nebo zeleno...

Ponavljamo... App Store IS NOT store for apps!!!
[ Devanagari @ 21.05.2011. 02:34 ] @
Do jaja