[ maksvel @ 25.07.2011. 11:43 ] @

Within the last day or so there has been a surge in the number of Google+ accounts that have been suspended as part of the social network's real name policy
Google requires that G+ profiles use real names and not pseudonyms. But some people feel there are good reasons to use a fake name.
Some people have even lost access to all of their Google accounts.


Wow, iskreno, nisam imao pojma da traže realname u nalogu.
Evo i te strane http://www.google.com/support/...s/bin/answer.py?answer=1228271
Don’t use the name of another individual.
Impersonation is a serious issue. Pretending to be someone else could cause your profile to be deleted. If someone is pretending to be you, go to their profile and click Report this person.
[ combuster @ 25.07.2011. 11:50 ] @
Meni je malo trulo sto ne mozes da izbacis nickname u prvi plan, nego svuda pise - Hi Ivan ... xD
[ mmix @ 25.07.2011. 12:09 ] @
Pa tako ti je to kad se narod lozi, kad za par neelja dobijes deset miliona korisnika onda mzoes i da ih samaras kako ti se nadigne.