[ Ivan Dimkovic @ 25.07.2011. 18:51 ] @


Chinese lecturer demands his students acquire iPads

A Chinese lecturer has raised a storm by demanding students get an iPad, and that anyone unable to raise the funds over the summer shouldn't bother studying the financial industry.

Liang Zhenyu teaches at the Shanghai Maritime University and sent out a tweet (over the Weibo service) explaining that he would be using an iPad for all lessons, handouts and exam material, and that next term's students should get themselves busy over the summer and earn the requisite cash.

His strongly-worded recommendation, translated by MIC Gadget, explains that if you can't raise the money then you should consider an alternative career as financial services might not be the best subject for you.

"I hope every student would go to purchase an iPad, because iPad represents the most modern thinking, and my students must like that. If you don't have money to buy one, then you go to earn money. If you cannot earn merely $4000 Yuan (around $615) within the holiday, then you are not suited to this course, and you are not necessary [sic] to be my student."

Zhenyu also reckons students should wear suits and females don light makeup, which seems to have provoked as much bilious feedback as the suggestion that everyone be equipped with a Cupertino fondleslab.

Justifying himself in postings to his blog, the lecturer explains that he's trying to teach students how to survive in the business world, and that the ability to maintain a smart appearance is a useful skill – an argument with which, sadly, its hard to find fault.

But when it comes to the iPad he's clearly enraptured by the Jobsian dream:

"[The] iPad is not an innovation, it's revolution ... without it the teaching process will be paralyzed."

Sta reci... :-) Doduse, nisam siguran da bih hteo da ucim bilo sta u vezi sa finansijama od osobe koja trazi da puknem par prosecnih plata na fino obradjeno parce metala i plastike...
[ Slobodan Miskovic @ 25.07.2011. 19:39 ] @
Pa dobro, u principu si upravu ali ovo je isto tako u principu ok razmisljanje:

"If you don't have money to buy one, then you go to earn money. If you cannot earn merely $4000 Yuan (around $615) within the holiday, then you are not suited to this course, and you are not necessary [sic] to be my student."

mada se kaze i ovo:

"I hope every student would go to purchase an iPad, because iPad represents the most modern thinking, and my students must like that."

Sto automatski diskvalifikuje takvu instituciju ...
[ mmix @ 25.07.2011. 19:47 ] @
Hmm, pitam se dal ce da se potpise na plastiku da ne bi studenti dvaput koristili isti iPad. Mozda i bi da nije jeres.
[ bojan_bozovic @ 25.07.2011. 20:34 ] @
Idiot koji još kaže da mu studenti idioti trebaju, da može mozak da im ispira! Šta ako je taj iPad nepotreban, jer ne radi posao, imaš već laptop i mobilni, ili želiš proizvod konkurencije?

Reč k*r*e*t*e*n je filtrirana od strane [es], a nisu sinonimi. Pola sata tu reč pokušavam da ubacim u post, nikako, tačke izmedju ne pomažu, npr. To je preterano!

[Ovu poruku je menjao bojan_bozovic dana 25.07.2011. u 23:06 GMT+1]
[ maksvel @ 25.07.2011. 20:44 ] @
Pitam se da li je fanboyizam, ili ima i konkretnog interesa za dotičnog nastavnika.

BTW, ima koji daju za dž

Based on its success, Tower school is instituting a 1:1 iPad program for all 3rd – 8th grade students. The school will provide iPads to use at school and at home. All students must return their iPads at the end of the school year.


[ combuster @ 25.07.2011. 22:05 ] @
Jbt, koga klepi taj magicni stevin stapic po glavini - taj ne dolazi razumu :) Brainf*ck - klasican...
[ flighter_022 @ 26.07.2011. 20:04 ] @
Ja imam sledece iskustvo:

Imao sam u rukama sledece:

1. Gazdin MacBook Air
2. Prijateljeve iPad i iPad 2
3. Suprugin Samsung Galaxy Tab

Ako izuzmemo MacBook Air, koji je posebna kategorija, i fokusiram se na stavke 2 i 3, i jedna i druga rade svoj posao sasvim fino. Nema zaglavljivanja, sve radi ono sto obecava da ce da radi (osim magije, hehehe). Aplikacije se nalaze i ucitavaju pa instaliraju bez problema, kvalitet ekrana je i na jednom i na drugom odlican (osetljivost na dodir, rezolucija, intenzitet itd), korisnicki interfejs je prilicno dobro ispoliran na oba itd. Manje-vise, oba uredjaja rade i to rade dobro. Ako ne bih imao potrebu za jednostavnim ubacivanjem svoje MP3 muzike (nije sva piratovana, jel tako, neke MP3 numere su i sasvim legalne), ako ne bih imao potrebu da gledam... DivX koji sa racunara prebacim na uredjaj, itd... Bilo bi mi sasvim svejedno koji cu uredjaj da uzmem. Apsolutno ne patim od "religioznih" osecanja prema bilo kojoj robnoj marki. Jedina stvar koja je bitna su CINJENICE, tipa:

1. Cena
2. FUnkcionalnost
3. Kvalitet
4. Podrska
5. Fleksibilnost da sa SVOJIM uredjajem radim ono sto JA hocu, itd.

Shodno tome, ipak Samsung Galaxy Tab P1000 (slicno iPad), ili P7100 (slicno iPad 2).
[ Stefan Markic @ 27.07.2011. 00:07 ] @