[ mocnisima @ 20.08.2011. 19:27 ] @
After analysing vast numbers of IT threats during the second quarter of 2011, Kaspersky Lab announces the key trends in its latest quarterly malware report.

For the very first time in its history, the top 10 rating of vulnerabilities includes products from just two companies: Adobe and Oracle (Java),
with seven of those 10 vulnerabilities being found in Adobe Flash Player alone.
Microsoft products have disappeared from this ranking due to improvements in the automatic
Windows update mechanism and the growing proportion of users who have Windows 7 installed on their PCs.

Pa, mislim, kome treba Linux još???
[ maksvel @ 20.08.2011. 19:32 ] @
Pa sad, jeste Windows mnogo poradio na sigurnosti, ali kako da pored Adobe flash playera uopšte dođeš u Top 10??
[ Nedeljko @ 20.08.2011. 20:52 ] @
Baš me zanima o kakvim se rupama u Adobe Flash Player-u radi.
[ Ivan.Markovic @ 20.08.2011. 21:34 ] @
@mocnisima jel moze izvor/link ?

@Nedeljko probaj: http://secunia.com/community/a...rch/?search=Adobe+Flash+Player
[ mocnisima @ 20.08.2011. 21:41 ] @
[ Impaler @ 21.08.2011. 11:47 ] @
infection rate: south korea no data. wtf?

prema izvjestaju od microsofta iz zadnjeg kvartala 2010 south korea imala je najveci infection rate