[ cisco89 @ 10.10.2011. 15:42 ] @
Pozdrav ljudi,

Sledece mogu da uradim uz pomoc GUI-a na UBUNTU distribuciji:

Right click on the network manager icon in the tray and click Edit Connections. Select the connection to your local network and click Edit. Go to the IPv6 Settings tab and set the Method to Manual. Click Add. For the address put the first address in your Routed 64. (In this example it would be 2001:470:b:d29f::1 .) For the prefix put in 64 . For the gateway, put in the address from the "Client IPv6 address" of the tunnel details page (in this example it would be 2001:470:a:d29f::2).

E sad, kako da ovo uradim pomocu CLI-a, tj hocu da pod IPv6 tabom interfejs stavim u MANUAL mode, i dodam ipv6 adresu, gateway, prefix i DNS server interfejsu


[Ovu poruku je menjao cisco89 dana 10.10.2011. u 17:05 GMT+1]
[ mulaz @ 10.10.2011. 16:52 ] @
/etc/init.d/networkmanager stop #(nisam siguran, ali ovo bi trebalo da ugasi automatsko dodavanje ip adresa putem NM)
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/accept_ra # iskljuci dodeljivanje adresa putem router advertismenta
ip -6 addr add 2001:470:b:d29f::1/64 dev eth0
ip -6 route add default via <tvoj gateway> dev eth0

onda sa nekim editorom (nano, emacs, vi,...) otvoris /etc/resolv.conf u ukucas:
nameserver <ip tog nameservera>

[ cisco89 @ 10.10.2011. 17:15 ] @
mala prepravka, ide network-manager stop

na zalost, jos uvek ga ne menja, proverio sam u GUI i jos stoji ona dropdown kutija na IGNORE


nisam nasao na resenje na netu, svi nesto menjaju /etc/network/interfaces fajl, ni to mi nije pomoglo
[ nkrgovic @ 10.10.2011. 19:37 ] @
Ajde predlog: Za pocetak upucaj GUI, ugasi sve te aplete koji ti se vrte i slicno... Pa onda lepo radi kroz /etc/network/interfaces. A network-manager lepo purge-uj apt-om.
[ mulaz @ 11.10.2011. 00:58 ] @
naravno da gui ne kaze nista, kad mu service pozadi ne radi :)

[ Miroslav Strugarevic @ 11.10.2011. 01:04 ] @
Kolega nkrgovic je u pravu. Ako ti NM ne treba skloni ga.

sudo apt-get purge network-manager network-manager-gnome
[ cisco89 @ 11.10.2011. 02:52 ] @
network manager sam upalio nazad, pa proverio :)

ajde pokusacu ovo cim dodjem kuci